In case you haven’t seen this delightful meme, stop over at the link behind the graphic and find out what the rules are. Basically, you just follow a simple format and post your own answers to her questions. Not rocket science, and very enjoyable to just share your thoughts for the day. After you post, you stop over at her blog each Monday and include your link on her Simple Woman linky so you can share your thoughts with others. Here’s mine for this evening (Wednesday night)…
Outside My Window… darkness after a pastel rainbow sunset
I am thinking… that I’m glad I’m not planning to be out tomorrow
I am thankful for… my husband who is never late to work and helps with laundry
From the kitchen… my mother is washing dishes
I am wearing… gray cotton shorts, gray cotton t-shirt, nasty old house shoes
I am creating… my final august calendar to file away in the day planner
I am going… to bed soon
I am reading… What to Expect When You’re Expecting
I am hoping… that we get more school done tomorrow
I am hearing… Morgan singing a contemporary Christian song as she comes up the stairs
Around the house… the kids rooms need cleaning, laundry in the hallway
One of my favorite things… binders (we had fun filling some today in school)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Back to school co-op picnic
Need to get our refund from the college class hubby dropped
Planning, organizing, paperwork, day planner, grading
Computer work for homeschool (forms/print-outs)
Konos co-op for States & Regions (Rocky Mountain States) Friday
Reviewing some neat computer programs
Cooking Lasagna Roll-ups and Stuffed Mushrooms for small group church Sunday
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
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Buzz Words: memes, friends, daybook, simple, women, life, personal, thoughts, photos, pictures, Texas, sunset, thankful, feminine, blessings, motherhood, domestic, SAHM, plans
Hooray for Rocky Mountain states! Love our mountains. 😀
Heather, that sunset pic is gorgeous. I have a sunrise pic I think I’ll share.
I’ve been seeing this meme, and love the concept. I like easy 🙂 and I like blogging 🙂 so I think I’ll give it a go.
Thank you so much for your blog! I have six children and am homeschooling ages 5 to 12 years old using Konos Curriculum. I appreciate all the advice. It can be overwelming at times and easy to feel alone in our homeschool journey even when we are surrounded by supportive people. Thank you again for all you do and I am praying for you and your sweet family!
Beautiful photo! 🙂
And what a blessing to have a mom who will wash the dishes like that. 🙂
Oh cool! you did it too… make sure you link yourself on my blog! lol
Pretty photo. I love binders too!
you asked me if i was pregnant on twitter and i came over here to answer since i didn’t know if you’d see my reply. yes, i am. about 6 months along. hope you’re still doing well.
What a nice day book. To have a mom who’ll wash dishes….mine is 5000 miles away so it rarely happens here.
The the picture, reminded me of pictures I’ve seen of Africa.