I love this shot. Wish it had been taken with my new camera and not my old point-and-shoot. She’s talking to you. What do you think she’s saying?
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Buzz Words: chicken, photography, farm, emotion, mood, birds, animals, life, Wordless Wednesday, Thursday Challenge, photos, autumn, country, pictures
Not sure why you’re concerned about the camera. It’s a great shot – nice composition and focus.
I think she’s a little irritated that you’re merely taking her photo and not letting her out of there. 😀
i think she’s saying:
“Thanks for passing CA Prop 4 to stop animal cruelty!” lol
Happy WW!
Great shot. She’s probably saying “don’t eat me!” That’s what I would say if I were a chicken…..
Looks to me like she’s saying…
Define Liberty Please
LOL She looks like she’s mad!
Sometimes I feel like that chicken 😀 Get me out of this house!
And that’s what my pictures are, a trip we took on the back roads of TX a couple weeks ago. 😉
it is a great shot.
I think she’s saying salmon is the new chicken.
What a great shot!!! She looks so sad. 🙁 Happy WW!!!
Wow that is neat!
She’s saying:
“Come a little closer, I dare you.” LOL
That’s an excellent shot!
He’s thinking, “Got somethin’ for me, bugs, bread, something?!” Trust me, that’s all they think of- food.
Love the shot! Ever since we’ve gotten ours a few years ago, I just love chickens… they’re so funny!
He’s thinking, “Got somethin’ for me, bugs, bread, something?!” Trust me, that’s all they think of- food.
Love the shot! Ever since we’ve gotten ours a few years ago, I just love chickens… they’re so funny!
Very cool pic! 😀
She’s saying just a simple, “Get me outta here.” Cute photo!
Great shot even if it was with your old camera.
Happy WW
“I’ll get you my pretty!”
Oh, I love that picture! She’s daring you to come closer. Really, she is!
🙂 Yeah, the only real reason why I wished it was the old camera is because of the detail factor. I wish that I could have had a really big RAW photograph of this to print. It is one of my faves ever. I love chickens. My husband’s family were chicken farmers back when they came over to the USA from Czechoslovakia (back in the day). His mom has a collection of chickens and my mother goes by “Chickie” instead of grandma. When my son was a little tot, he used to sing “Old McDonald” all the time with us and EVERY time we go to the farm animal naming, he would wickedly say – “chickin” and watch us giggle. It was always a chicken!
This particular shot, though – I would have to agree with Carrie… who said, “salmon is the new chicken”. It made me feel guilty for eating so much chicken. Just look at those pitiful little eyes.
She’s working her chicken guilt hypnosis on me….
LOL she’s thinking…
I’m yummy. Tastes like chicken.
“Get me out of here and I’ll give you free eggs for life.”
It think she’s saying, “hey, what’s the guy behind me doing, I have to watch him”!
Take care,