Remember the LIST? And the Monthly BREAKDOWN of goals for January? Then the progress report for January? I never got around to breaking down the February goals for this year, but I have still been hard at work (big pregnant belly and all). I figure I’ll go ahead and do my February progress report early this month since we only have a short few days left of the ‘love’ month. And I’ll double up by telling you what I’m hoping to accomplish in March. Thanks for keeping me accountable (even if you aren’t reading this list and couldn’t care less). Nerds like me have to write it down or it won’t ever get finished.
Previously, we discovered that I would need to get 9 projects per month done (not including the ones I added after counting and dividing up my tasks – so I would say I probably have to get about 12 done now to finish by December).
Although I didn’t pick 9 projects for February, I’m sure I got at least 9 done. Here’s how February measured up:
1. Refinance the house (leftover from January) = 100%
3. Paint and decorate baby/M’s room (leftover from January) = 100%
4. Get donated crib (leftover from January) = 100%
(done – and I moved the bedding part of this job to its own line)
15. Catch up on grading and paperwork (leftover from January) = 80%
(Still working on this one…)
19. Nelda and Ammie’s recipes (leftover from January) = 50%
(DONE on Nelda, but can’t get Mrs. A to sit still long enough – she has an excuse – she’s moving)
22. Put away Christmas = 100%
38. Organize school closet (leftover from January) = 60%
(partially done, but I want to deep clean it, so I’m leaving it on the list)
94. Print calendar pages & do annual letter (leftover from January) = 60%
(I printed through June, have the notes for the letter done, but still have to finish this)
106. Taxes sorted for ’08 = 100%
15. Clean out the garage = 100%
(done – and I moved the decorative stuff to its own line)
29. Throw a birthday party for the kids = 100%
59. Say no to something I can’t do – without feeling guilty = 200%
(done and probably will continue to get more done)
66. Get a rubber kitchen brush set and a Pampered Chef Timer = 50%
(got the rubber brush set at IKEA for cheap, working on the PC Timer – anyone want to order something from my online party?)
76. Help Kaden display his Legos = 100%
(done … now if we can get his rocks displayed and his room painted… )
106. Get taxes done for 2008 = 100%
(done… just waiting on the refund)
110. Wash and organize baby things = 80%
(done besides stuff from March family shower)
120. Plant my wildflowers = 100%
(done and can’t wait to see them blooming in April, May & June!)
123. Add on more stuff to my list after the original 124 items = 100%
(yeah, this is a cheesy one, but I’m all about rewarding myself)
126. Plant trees in back yard and front = 100%
(done – Kev planted 3 oaks)
129. Get hospital bag ready for L&D; = 90%
(just need those last minute bathroom items as we rush out the door – and the cameras charged…)
131. Invitations made for parties = 100%
So that’s 9 things leftover from January as projects I had started and 12 things I began this month to finish. Not bad, eh? Being the teacher that I am, I figured I would give myself an averaged grade for this portion of the list. If I was only grading on these few items, my February score would be 99%. A+, baby.
As for dailies and weeklies, I would say that I was about the same as I was last month, though. This month I give myself a 28% completion rate for dailies and 63% for weeklies (again).
Total average for list completion progress as of the end of February 2009 = 63%
Another D for for me. But I can see that there is progress, and that’s what matters. I need to focus on getting more of the daily and weekly stuff taken care of and not as much on the ‘projects’… but it is hard with my nesting instinct at full-steam.
Below are my plans for March (some of these may be carried over from above if they aren’t done yet):
2. pay off a credit card
5. redesign my blog
7. organize children’s closets, rooms, toys
10. continue to read books with the kids (we’re supposed to read 8 classics or chapter books a month to get to the magic 100 number – but that’s a little steep, don’t you think?)
13. have the baby and take pictures of his wrinkly feet
15. get caught up with grading, recording, filing, portfolios for school
17. seed the garden and get it in shape for the growing season (buying dirt soon!)
19. get Ammie’s recipes (Chicken Parm, Parm pasta, Green beans, Artichoke dip…)
23. get homeschool groove cooking before baby gets here
27. work on bedtime goals
28. time each day with the Lord
30. finish GeeArt and start CE
36. more ways to make hubby happy
38. finish the school closet
47. redo school routine (get it written down on paper)
53. continue reading homeschool/teaching books
61. fix the king bed frame
65. keep up with menu plans and eat at home more
66. get Pampered Chef Timer
75. buy another must-have book for our home library
78. more give-aways on my blog
79. more recipes (3x per week) on Gathering Manna
82. continue to put school before housework
90. deep clean before baby comes
94. print July-December for calendar, make 2008 annual letter
97. have someone over for dinner this month
102. height and weight for kids (measure this week)
103. continue to do James copywork, proof-read when done
105. buy some more lamps and overhead lighting & install
107. read to the kids every day
108. have kids/dad read to baby in belly
109. baby shower for family
111. get playpen, car seat, stroller
115. get loose school papers in closet and binderize them
117. kids to cook a meal without help for March (Kaden still needs to do one for Feb.)
130. sell stuff (Xbox, games, books, curriculum, furniture)
132. cat door installed
133. make list of books for the kids (ones they are interested in reading)
134. make list of photos I want to snap at the hospital when the baby is born
137. fix dent in Kev’s truck from the deer that ran in to him
140. finish indexing blog (or at least make progress)
146. buy baby book
147. go see home-bound friend
149. decorate M & baby’s room
150. paint murals
153. work on getting authors for the Homeschool Post up and running
That’s way more than 12 items… more like 46. That’s a lot for 1 month. Think I can do it? I’m aiming for a better grade in March.
Now I’m ahead of the game and ready for next month.
How are you doing on your list?
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Buzz Words: 2009, getting things done, resolutions, goals, homeschool, life, personal, procrastination, organization, time management, priorities, family, motherhood, parenting, lists, homeschooling, pregnancy, self help, New Years, to do, tasks, plans, declutter, cleaning, busy, baby
I didn’t know you did Pampered Chef 🙁 I was just recently looking and ended up putting in an order with someone I found online (On March 1st, a lot of stuff goes up in price AND THe new spring/summer stuff comes out) for February and i have a party I am going to already on March 3rd to see and get the new stuff I want!
are you a consultant I should come to for future stuff or is this just a one-time party you are hosting? (Though I prefer timers on lanyards so I’d be going elsewhere for a timer)
I just placed a Pampered Chef order yesterday, or else I would love to help your cause! 😉
One of the things I like most about your blog are your lists! I am a list maker, and my 8 yo dd is, too! She has post-it notes with lists everywhere!
You didn’t put anywhere on your list to Have The Baby. Feed the Baby. Walk with the Baby. Show off the baby. Write a blog post announcing baby’s entrance to world. I think you need those on your list too.