Today is all about cleaning out my bookmarks that I’ve been saving up for you. Not much else going on around here except being pregnant. Yesterday’s high-point was playing with the white-balance and exposure on my camera so I could get a picture of the cat and my swollen feet. Big fun. That was before the hormonal meltdown that ended with me scrubbing baseboards, vacuuming the upstairs, rotating laundry, and cleaning out my daughter’s closet. I guess I’m not so helpless after all, since I’m still pregnant today after all that “over-doing-it”. I’ve got about 4 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 26 minutes, and 32 seconds left until induction… but who’s counting?
Trying to keep my mind off of the Viking king who’s constantly battling it out with my ribs and focus on my to-do list instead. One of those to-dos includes cleaning off the computer and cleaning out the email box. So you get to benefit!
Aside from these worksheets, forms, quizzes and templates that every homeschool mom should have on their bookmark list, I have a few other links that might be of interest for you mom-bloggers, homeschooling mamas, blog designer wanna-bes, and BlogHer queens:
Ever wanted Photoshop and couldn’t afford it? I think that’s about 80% of the problem with us wanna-be designer folks… we just can’t afford the tools even though we have the desire. Well, if you are a homeschool mom (teacher), a student, or a college kid – you can get a super discount on software. Check out this particular deal from – a whopping $699.01 off the original price of the software (click the software image for more info). Now THAT is a discount. You can find other deals on software if you look around, too. Another great company to check out is Academic Superstore. They always have deals on the computer tools a homeschool mama (and wanna-be designer type) needs.
Did you know you can nominate your favorite ‘Her’ Blogger of the week? If you notice that a blog has BlogHer ads on the sidebar and you fall in love with a post, a photo, a video, or just the blogger herself – you can submit her to the contest (once a week!). Then she gets one of those cool blue ribbons for her site as a token of your affection. How sweet. Click the ribbon to nominate someone!
Google is doing an annual contest to allow students to draw their logo (click the logo for more info). They have a cute and informative video on their website explaining why they do the contest and what they expect students to benefit from participating. They welcome homeschool participants if you register with them. The deadline for registration is in early March, and the artwork must be sent in by mid-to-late March, so don’t miss your window! Browse through some of their past winner’s artwork and see some of Google’s artistic ideas while you are at it. Even if you don’t win – this project seems really fun!
Looking for a break from the dull science textbooks? Do a project! We joined up with Journey North this year and counted butterflies before sending out a packet with hand-colored butterfly artwork to Mexican students. The Monarch overwinters in Mexico each year and the Mexican school children love getting our artwork. They send us back a butterfly and some Spanish greetings and Journey North keeps us informed by emailing links to awesome videos and scientific migration updates. The link above (click the photo) is a cool FREE online video you can watch about the big migration for these papery, fragile creatures. It is just amazing to see God’s creativity in action!
I found out about a cool free software you can download that boasts at being the best Bible software out there. You can’t beat FREE. Check out Bible Explorer online.
Have fun surfing.
In Him,
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Buzz Words: links, teaching, printables, education, blogging, software, homeschool, Christian, science, resources
You just made me smile.. “But who’s counting?” You are a funny lady! Yeah you over did it! God is watching over you and the little one BIG time! Why is it we just cannot stay planted? Praise God he is sooo Good!!!! You are in my prayers…. Read Proverbs 31~
You really are tooo Cute!
Oh funny… so funny, Hubby came home and said he ate 2 Little Debbie 100 Calorie Brownies Yesterday at Work! Funny thing is, he opened the Package, saw how small they were and brought *4* with him!!! hahahah HOW is that for missing the 100 calorie BOAT~ hahahah I thought that was VERY VERY cute!!!
Wow that photoshop is a great deal! Thanks for posting the links, I bookmarked the page because so I can find it later!
We love E-sword, which is also free Bible software. I can’t compare it to this one, as I’ve never used this one, but it’s excellent! (