Life. One big roller coaster. I think you can most likely relate.
We went out of town this past weekend and my son forgot the laptop charger. No computer equals no blogging. It was nice, but I’m sure you are probably getting tired of me leaving you hanging.
How long can you be ‘away’ before you become a ‘tweeter’ and not a ‘blogger’ any more? I am ruining myself with twitter, people. It’s a sickness. It’s like mind-candy… so much easier and faster to think in 140 characters than sit down to ‘compose a post’.
No computer also gave me plenty of time to get to know my new i-Phone. Oh, yeah, baby. Come to mama. I got a refurbished i-Phone and spent sleepless hours of bliss in the application store browsing through the umpteen-million free programs you can upload and use on the phone.
For instance, did you know that you can use your i-Phone as a level? a flashlight? an excuse generator in case you aren’t creative enough to figure out what to tell your teacher after skipping class? You can use it to keep track of your weight loss goals; track your baby’s milestones, dirty diapers, sleep patterns and feedings; and you can keep up with your Netflix queue. I so wanted to buy the baby tracker program, but it costs $8.99 and I just couldn’t justify spending the extra money. All for free, you can access your twitter account, your facebook account and even upload mobile pictures to your flickr account on an i-Phone. There’s not much you CAN’T do with an i-Phone. I even hear it can survive surfing in your toilet.
Aside from getting acquainted with my i-Phone this weekend; I got a used rocking chair, visited family, attended a wedding shower, and my husband bought a gun so we can teach the kids how to shoot. Last year we did Robotics for our extra curricular class, this year we did choir, and next year we’re going to do gun-safety and maybe a shooting club. It will be something we do together as a family. I’m really excited about it. I was great at archery as a kid. Shooting can’t be that much different, eh? Just call me Annie Oakley. Yeeehaw.
Coming up we have all sorts of end-of-school activities, field trips, book fairs, family events, doctor’s appointments and blogging assignments to get done. April almost didn’t exist it has gone so fast! We’re already looking on to May and trying to tread water. I’m still reeling from the amount of time off we had to take for ‘maternity leave’. Somehow I don’t think we’ll be getting our much coveted ‘summer break’ this year… but that is to be expected after adding another kid to the mix.
My to-do list awaits in the morning, along with the bills, homeschooling and unpacking… and my eyes are heavy… so I better get some sleep before the milk-monster wakes up for his 3am feeding.
Hope you have a productive week. I wish my i-Phone had a ‘slow down time’ application that really worked. Now that would be WORTH $8.99, don’t you think?!
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Buzz Words: busy, stress, random, homeschool, life, weekend, personal, iphone, technology, cellphone, gadgets, getting+things+done, parenting
I’ve actually been taking some pretty big Twitter breaks. If I spend too much time there, I also become a Twitterer and no longer a blogger. Now I just try to pop in every here and there.
You are such a cool, cutting edge, techy kind of gal! You crack me up. Sounds like you’re having a blast with your IPhone, though. And your sweet boy, of course!! 😀
Hey ! So that is where you guys went … 😉
Please tell K. that I was looking at handgun classes to attend, something like a Texas Concealed Handgun License, maybe the two of us could go together. Let me know.