The last time I did a Simple Woman’s Journal was a month before I delivered my son. I was huge and miserable! I got a kick out of going back through my answers on that day. Here are today’s journal notes…
The view from where I sit … a nursing baby on a boppy (love the little click of swallowed milk) whose fingernails need clipping, piles of paperwork on my desk – screaming at me without a sound, a cold mug of ice water, my digital Photoshop book by Scott Kelby (can’t wait to read it), loads of laundry waiting for us to wash-dry-sort-fold and put away…
Outside My Window… Blue skies and blistering heat. Yesterday it was 105. I’m beginning to wonder if the rain will ever come. We are all certainly praying for it.
I am thinking… of all the gazillion things I have to get done if I want to start school this week. Which is why I’m blogging. I tend to blog and avoid starting a project when it overwhelms me. Maybe that’s why I’ve been blogging for four years. Normal life overwhelms me. Ha!
I am thankful for… the freedom to homeschool, freedom of speech, the freedom to worship and pray without government sanctions or interference, the friends I’ve made online, air conditioning (can’t live in Texas without it)…
We are learning… about taking care of a baby, mostly. The kids have gotten a hands-on education in the past few months. They are begging me to start school back up. Morgan actually cried this morning when I told her I wasn’t ready!
From the kitchen… Needing to make a menu (as usual). We’ve been in a mesquite grilled fish mode lately (cooked it for friends last night). I have no idea what’s for dinner… and hopefully that doesn’t mean we’re having fast food!
I am wearing… jeans and one of my two Old Navy striped shirts that I always wear (this one is greys and white, the other one is reds and oranges). I probably SHOULD be wearing my shoes, too. I’ve heard that it makes you get more work done (
I am creating… a mural on the baby’s and Morgan’s wall. The only thing left to add is the owl.
I am going… crazy. My kids would tell you I’ve always been there.
I am reading… The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach (Robin Sampson), and my Bible.
As for homeschooling books… We’re getting our book lists made for the school year and we’ll be starting a new chapter book together for school soon. Not sure, but it might be The Cat of Bubastes by Henty, Mara Daughter of the Nile or The Golden Goblet – both by Eloise Jarvis McGraw (winner of the Newberry Honor).
I am hoping… that our financial stresses will melt away. I always get uptight on bill-paying day (which is why I’m in here blogging instead of doing the checkbook right now).
I am hearing… the washer, the dryer, the voices of unhappy children doing chores, and a babbling baby who’s now chewing on his Cracker Barrel bunny in his play pen.
Around the house… there is much to be done and it doesn’t seem like the kids are as anxious to get it done as I am. Clean houses are my favorite.
One of my favorite things… chocolate chip cookies (Morgan baked me some this morning). Mmmm! Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Blog, pay bills, get school planned and started, tackle the to-do list, finish the mural, start learning how to Photoshop. Photoshop is my favorite.
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
Sorry. Another iPhone pic. Man, I need to get the Canon out and go take some real pictures! This one was of me and my honey at Red Robin burgers on July 4th. Nothing says American like a cheeseburger. Cheeseburgers are my favorite.
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Buzz Words: memes, thoughts, daybook, simple, women, life, personal, journaling, babies, family, SAHM, kids, mommy, homeschooling, blessings, motherhood, mom, bills, plans
You know as funny as this is going to sound I feel very inspired by your list of things to do. I have a list in my head but I also seem to suffer from forgetfulness so I really should write down those 20 jobs and my husband keeps adding to the list…
Love Sarah
Loved your list ~ I would love to read Robin's book, I have heard so much about it. I am using her Adam to Messiah this fall and have some of the books you mentioned on our list too. 🙂
We are peas in a pod, my friend. Minus the baby, of course. I, too, avoid life when it's overwhelming and often spend time online.
Does this mean you got Photoshop? Which one?
It's always so happy to come see your lovely new bloggy look. Maybe I should quit trying to do my own thang & just hire Darcy, cause she's so totally cool and talented.
Enjoy your day! Stay cool!
bunny 😀
Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite, too!
HSB Suzanne: God is Good!
LOVE the picture, Heather! You both look great! Glad you had a great time!
awww… poor Morgan! I am still planning too… somewhat! I do have workbooks from last year that Rachel, Eric and Hannah are using.
I hope you love HOWTA as I do. I re-read it every year.
AW~what a GREAT Daybook entry!!!! and *CONGRATULATIONS!* on your wee blessing~how SWEET is a newborn baby?!! (((((HUGS))))) sandi