We’re leavin’. Taking our school books, the camera, the stroller, the baby, and hitting the road, Jack.
I won a ticket to Type-A Mom. Crazy, hu? That shaved $100 off of my trip and makes it nearly impossible for me to say no. I have a hotel room with a friend if I can just get there, and now a free ticket to the conference. The only thing I’m lacking is the money for the rental car and a little extra for gas.
The trip will take me from Austin, TX to Asheville, NC. That’s a long drive, y’all: eighteen hours. Especially with a baby. Good thing the Viking is good natured… but he’s never been on a trip THIS long. Four hours is as long as he has been in the car in one sitting. We’ve done this sort of thing before (driving across the country), but BEFORE baby!
I’ll be passing through Dallas, Little Rock, Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Jackson, Shreveport, and Longview. My kids will get to add another SIX states to their “I’ve been there” list! Poor hubby will be home babysitting the lovesick cats.
The schedule for the conference looks wonderfully fun. I’m sure I’ll be beside myself with glee when I finally get to meet all my invisible blogging friends. Praying I won’t have broccoli in my teeth or a big zit on my nose. Hope I can articulate sentences as well in real life as I do on the keyboard. I wonder if there are other folks out there who can type better than they can talk? Hmmm.
Visit Type-A Mom Conference
I’m trying not to think about what I’m going to wear… or how the baby will behave at the 3-day conference (and my aching back carrying his 20lbs of dead-weight chunk around). Maybe I can get helpers. I’m sure Dawn is great at helping with babies since she’s had 8 of her own. I have a few other friends I’m anxious to meet as well. You know who you are, you tweeting chickas!
I’ve got lists to make, maps to study, laundry to put away, packing to begin and a million other things to finish before we hit the pavement Tuesday.
So without further ado, I will leave you with these parting whines for sponsorship and prayers. Every dollar counts and this is a done deal. If you are able to help, click the donate button (Paypal tip jar) in my sidebar. I would so appreciate it! You can pay for the Snickers bar at the gas stop or a half of a tank of gas – whatever you feel led to share!
Thank you to all the great folks who have donated so far! You are THE grooviest sponsors evah!
Quick Links
Longest Field Trip <-- the last time we got a crazy wild hair
Consider yourself "found" through the #typeamom hashtag:P
I can't wait to meet you—I'll be in Asheville sans hubby and four kiddos (we homeschool too!) but, AM bringing my Mom and sis.
I'd be happy to donate a bit to your fund seeing as how others have been so kind to me:)
Hopefully I'll be able to find you in the sea of faces…
(and pssst, I type WAY better than I talk as well:)
–Sara Sophia
I am SO proud of you girlfriend, stepping way out of your comfort zone like this, and it sounds like Providence has smiled upon your venture, winning that ticket and all. SO, I'll be prayin' for ya, and wish that I could do more to help.
Yeah, I too tend to think and speak much better through my keyboard than I do via my mouth, which often contains my foot, or jumbles all my thoughts in an incoherent stream of rambles. LOL
We're leaving from just west of Houston on Tuesday night and taking the same trek as you to Type A Mom!! Actually, I think we may go a little out of the way for some sight-seeing, but it's fun to think that you and I are taking the same journey! We're bringing the 2yo and I'm wondering how he'll do at the KidCon, and I'm sure I'll be missing the other 4 that we're leaving here with friends. You and I will have to meet at the conference – we're practically neighbors! 🙂
If you go anywhere near Tulsa (which I am sure you won't) give me a ring, you can always hang out here, rest, sleep, eat, whatever.
Just email if you want my number.
I am SO VERY GLAD you are going! The drive will be long, but it will be fun too. So much to see and do along the way. I'll take a car trip ANY day over flying!
I'll be praying for good weather, healthy kids and Momma and safe travel. Enjoy the conference and take LOTS of pictures!!! 🙂
Yea – I am so thrilled that you are able to go. I can't believe that I live only three hours away and I;m NOT going…I know, shoot me. Have a great weekend. 🙂
Can't wait to read the blog posts of your trip – sounds amazing!!
I AM SO EXCITED TO GET TO MEET YOU IN REAL LIFE!!! You'll pass over that line from imaginary to VERY REAL FRIEND!!
I'll be praying for your travels…and will do my best to help you out once you're there!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Heather … am so broken and blessed at the same time. remember what I said to you a week or so ago? step with your feet into the waters…put them firmly on the rock,… and He will part the waters for you…. Isnt it amazing? Honestly… knowing He wanted to bless you in ways you couldnt imagine. If for any reason you need to have someone local once you get there, by best friends daughter, whom I have known since she was a baby, lives in Asheville with her little 8 month old… if you need to talk to someone local let me know and I will put you in touch with her!
Please be my eyes and ears girl! dont forget your camera. have an increidble time, oh courageous mama!! Cathy b
That's great, Heather! I'll be praying for you and the kids – safe travel and that you have a wonderful time! We'll see you when you get back.
So you're going to drive all that way?? And, you were "worried" about the drive from Austin to DFW and from ATL to Asheville?? 😉
"I go back and forth with #typeamom. Should I drive 4 hours to DFW, fly to Atlanta and drive 3 hrs to NC? With a baby??? Ugh."
Love ya, Heather!
~Anita (aka HSB Suzanne)