Haiti seems a whole lot closer when someone you know is being pulled out of the rubble. Even if that someone you know is just a twitter friend.
That guy up there is Dan Woolley, a Compassion International worker from the Colorado Springs area, and I know him as @webguydan (he’s at about the 1:30 part of the French news video if you click the image above). He’s a Christian, a father, a husband, a compassionate guy who was in Haiti to help mothers and children in impoverished conditions. There are a lot of folks who care about others from afar, but very few who actually leave the comfort of home to go and serve them. He’s that guy. I can’t imagine what his wife and kids are going through worrying about him.
I can’t understand French, but it looks like the hotel where Dan was staying collapsed on him. After searching a bit online, I found this great update to his whereabouts on Shaun Groves’ website: “Dan Woolley/David Hames“. Dan was saved by being in an elevator shaft at the hotel – a miracle from the Lord.
Unfortunately David, his team-member, hasn’t been found yet. Please pray for his safety!
I have no idea how Dan is doing now, or if he has severe injuries. I hope not. I wanted to post this to request prayer on his and his team’s behalf. There are a lot of people in Haiti that need our prayers right now. Please continue to pray.
If you are able to give up your daily latte or a meal out to donate it towards the relief effort, I know Dan would tell you to give it to Compassion. They were already there when the quake hit. They were already serving the folks in Haiti.
Please prayerfully consider donating a little towards those suffering. Maybe we can’t all be like Dan – leaving our families behind to go and serve the less fortunate – but we can all do SOMETHING.
Your post is one of the most well-written, from the heart posts I have read regarding donations to Haiti. Even though my family has already been donating, you helped me to feel even better about where I donated and why I donated. Thank you!
And thank you to Dan.
I have friends here who know him because he works at Compassion. He organizes a lot of fun kid activities here. So glad to find that he's safe, but also concerned for the other guy who was with him – Dave Hames – as last I heard, he hadn't been located or heard from.
My husband has been to Haiti twice now with Hope For Haiti's Children. I posted about our little girl that lives there. http://www.homeforheavenssake.blogspot.com. We have prayed for her every day for the past 4 years, but even more so now. And we wonder even more, does she have food to eat today? Is she even alive? We have to remind ourselves that God is in control. Even in Haiti.
♥ ya.
Wow! Thanks for this post. I adore Compassion's ministry and love my 2 children. When the earthquake hit Haiti, Compassion is where we sent our support. May God continue to bless all of the workers within the organization.
Thank you for sharing this. I feel better having SOMEONE in particular to pray for, even though I will continue to pray for all…..
Wow I still can't believe this happened, I am going to send money to Haiti hopefully today. I have been praying a lot for Haiti, like mom said we have a little girl down there and I am really worried about her right now.
Here's the latest on the other guy from Compassion – http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/22266681/detail.html#
It's not looking very good. 🙁