Saturday is the day! Ergobaby and Beco have given me some amazing ORGANIC baby carriers to give away at Blissdom to two lucky bloggers. I have already been getting so many compliments on the two carriers I have worn (and the amazingly cute baby I have worn in them). They are both wonderful, supportive, and stylish carriers and they have made this conference possible for me by giving me my hands when baby has had to tag along. 25 pounds of Viking man is just too much for a mom with a laptop and camera bag to carry – unless you have a GREAT heavy-duty carrier like these!
My mom tried them today and she told me she is now a believer. She was balking because of all the clips and snaps that they have, but once she wore the baby in one of them, she said she understands why I love them so much.
They look intimidating the first time you put them on, but there are only three steps to getting situated: 1. strap on your belt, 2. Hold baby against your chest and lift the flap behind him while his legs straddle your waist, and 3. pull the shoulder straps over your shoulders and snap the buckle that goes between your shoulder-blades. It’s even easier if you have a teen, friend, mom or hubby to help with the back strap while you hold your hair up – but you can reach it by yourself if you need to. I took the baby off by myself yesterday in my hotel room.
I have been amazed at how much happier the baby is to be snuggled next to mama. I might just wear my carriers inside my house when he’s fussy so that I can get more done with both arms.
How to Win:
Are you a blissdom attendee that is PREGNANT or has a BABY here with you at the conference? Please tweet out something you like about the carriers I have worn while I have been here at blissdom. Be sure to use the #blissdom hashtag and either #Ergobaby or #Beco in your tweet. My black carrier is the Ergobaby and the brown leopard print is the Beco. Please check out the links in this post to go see the actual products at the Ergobaby and Beco websites.
Thank you so much to Beco and Ergobaby for sponsoring this give-away by giving me carriers to bring and give away at the conference, and for giving me carriers to keep and use! I am so very blessed to have you both supporting me (in more ways than one) at the Blissdom 2010 Conference! On behalf of mamas everywhere, I wanted to tell you that your products are TOP NOTCH (disclosure: that’s my opinion based on first hand experience with these great carriers this week!).
Nope. Not at Blissdom. Would love to win another Ergo though… ahhh, maybe next time.
I love my Ergo. With Isaac and Caleb, I used a backpack even here at home. Ergo made a believer out of me that it was well worth the $$ even if you don't win one!
I am mostly at home rather than away, so I used it here with Lucy daily to keep my hands free. It is what helps me most to accomplish all I need to around the home with a little one.
She is almost 3, and still loves to be in it. And she still fits.
I think I need another one…
Have fun friend!
Heather, it was so great meeting you Friday night! Thanks for letting me hold your little one! I had such fun with him! I hope the rest of your weekend was fun. Thanks again for your kindness!
Are you home yet! Sorry I missed you on Monday morning, things got crazy and we weren't sure we would get home.
I hope your mom is feeling better.