I wanted to thank my sponsors again for making Blissdom possible for me and for blessing others in the process. Below are my three business sponsors for Blissdom and the winners of the loot they sent with me:
springpad – @springpad on Twitter
Springpad (free personal online organizer) offered me some little notepads and a few groovy t-shirts to give away at the conference, in addition to covering my gas for the trip up to Tennessee. They also offered a Blissdom container store gift card contest during the conference and are giving away 100$ to the Container Store to one lucky Blissdom attendee (to be announced on Twitter). My daughter and mom stole a t-shirt from me (and I had to keep one for myself), so the extra shirts went to these Springpad winners:
Karen of Simply Amusing
I hope you girls are enjoying your Springpad account. I love the way you can save events and information and have it send you an email reminder so you won’t forget. I also love that you can save all sorts of items together – grouped – such as a link to the hotel website, notes about the hotel reservation confirmation, contacts you need to talk with when you are out of town, packing lists, etc. My Blissdom grouping in Springpad saved me a lot of hassle!
ERGObaby – @ERGObaby on Twitter
The ERGObaby carrier we took on our trip was so soft and fabulous looking. I got a lot of compliments on this model. A few who had Ergobaby carriers already said they wish that they had one that was as ‘frilly’ as the embroidered one I took to Blissdom. Not only was it pretty, it was ORGANIC. I love it that companies are finally getting the bigger, earth-friendly picture.
Ergobaby didn’t give me funds for the trip, but they offered to help me and the kids (and even my mom) have a much easier time by giving me a carrier to wear. They also gave me a carrier to give away. It was hard for the moms who had babies to tweet (or have much time to do anything) at the conference, so I would definitely do this contest differently if Ergobaby wanted to work with me for future conferences. I would do the contest BEFORE the conference to give everyone a better shot at winning. You live and learn.
The winner of the Ergobaby was Diaper Diaries!
I shipped her prize yesterday! I know she was thrilled because she tweeted about it.
Beco Baby Carrier – Beco Coming soon to Facebook!
Another beautiful baby carrier! Hip blue and brown that is ever-popular lately (my good friend’s favorite colors and it matches our baby room and most of my clothes perfectly – I wear a LOT of brown). Also Organic!
I sent a message prior to leaving for Blissdom to Ergobaby and Beco – almost on the same day. I had already worked with Ergobaby in the past, so I got a response from them right away. That’s why you see them on my previous sponsor post and you don’t see Beco. Beco contacted me a day or so after I posted about sponsors and said they would love to participate with offering carriers, too. I was happy to wear both carriers and give another carrier away to a Blissdom “Baby Mama”.
The carrier Beco chose to send (above) is stylish and well made. The only real difference I could see in the Ergobaby and Beco was that the Beco was slightly less soft and had a higher head support panel (great for larger/taller babies like my son). It also was the only of the two carriers that my husband would touch with a ten foot pole. He wore the Beco after I returned home and said he was surprised at how much it helped him with my baby’s weight distribution. I wore both carriers (and so did my kids and mom) while we were on our Blissdom trip and am convinced that without them, I would NEVER have been able to do this conference. The hotel was just so large, and the baby was just too heavy.
I’m forever thankful to both of them for their ‘support’.
The winner of the Beco carrier was Rebecca Unfried of MomFaves!
I sent her package out yesterday as well! I hope she’ll blog about it to send Beco some extra love!
You would be doing me a big favor if you followed my sponsors on Twitter and Facebook! Let them know that you are thankful that they support bloggers and offer free products to win so they will continue to do so! They are truly cutting edge companies that care about their consumers!
those are super cute baby carriers! wish i had one and a baby to fill it with. 🙂