This photo originally debuted on my flickr site and over at my food blog. However, it is one of our family’s favorite dishes. I make fried rice at least once every two or three weeks on average. I haven’t made it in a while due to the pregnancy nausea. Sounds pretty good to me right now, though.
Last night we had Italian Tuna with Pasta (sounds strange, but it is probably in my top 3 favorite dishes ever).
That’s pretty much all I have been doing this past week… cooking (because we have had no money to eat out) and cleaning (still emptying, sorting, organizing and purging closets, book cases, desks, and rooms). I’m happy to report that my dear daughter’s room is almost complete. Just waiting on the funds to purchase some white spray paint for her book case and the hardware to hang her extra closet rack. We are all loving the way it has turned out – especially the baby (who shares the room with her and has been banned from it because of the mess for months). He loves the trees and owls in the “green room”. It’s his favorite place in the house.
Sorry for leaving you hanging in here! You can always check up with me on Twitter when I’m away… the sidebar will have my last few tweets so you’ll know I’m still alive. Stop over at the Homeschool Post today and see me there, too – I’m picking the top five photos of the week from our alphabetical photo meme!
looks really good, actually- and the picture is amazing! have been reading your blog for a while and am enjoying it- we homeschool too- blessings on your pregnancy and all that you have going on!
I adore fried rice! Even better when it has kimchi in it… makes my mouth water just thinking about it. YUM!