It has been so crazy this week that I have been meeting myself coming and going. It would be easy to freak out … but with prayer and focus on relationship rather than the detour our schedule has been taking, I’m holding on.
We’ve had:
scoliosis screening xrays
OBGYN appointments
photography orders
chats online
oil changes at Wal-Mart
bird poop on my son’s head
leaky diaper incidents in public
chronic pain and a kid on the couch in tears
bills to pay
schedules we’ve been behind on because of our busyness
But we’ve also had smiles, laughs, hugs, and the BEST burger, shake and fries in the galaxy (a treat because my kids got such amazing compliments from a total stranger at the doctor’s office – she said she had ‘never seen anything like how well behaved they were – all three of them’… so I promised them a shake with lunch!).
You have to give yourself pats on the back and not dwell on everything that hasn’t gotten done… or you’ll go crazy (trust me on this).
Every time I have sat down to the computer for the last few days, I have been putting out fires in email, doing work for the Homeschool Blog Awards, handling our family’s paperwork and finances or ordering pictures for my photography client. I was up until 1:30am last night getting her order in and there was NO WAY I was going to blog after that.
It is funny how you say things like “I can’t wait until things slow down and I have time to relax”… but life keeps marching on at light speed. I’m guilty of that. And then there’s fall… the busy time of the year with one holiday stacked on top of the next and school in full swing. I don’t want life to slow down, really – I just want to be able to not DROWN in all the busy moments. I’m constantly seeking God’s peace and calm every day – all day.
I pray that same peace for you. It is a true treasure.
Now we’re off to grab a Subway Sandwich with Chickie before she leaves to teach piano… and maybe when the baby goes down for his nap we’ll curl up on the couch and try to enjoy some reading together (my favorite part of homeschool) while mama folds about 7 loads of laundry (fun, fun).
I hope you find the simple joys in your busy days… and calm in your crazy!
Rock Band..simple joy and a reading helper to boot!
It's such a delicate balance, right? Finding peace in the busy… Amen and amen! 🙂
It's amazing how a simple change of perspective can make the exact same situation much better. I'm glad you were able to find joy in not-so-great circumstances!
(On a side note, that's one of the great things about home schooling… in spite of the craziness, you still get to spend time with your family.)
You are just amazing! I am excited to see you in less than a month!
Peaceful wishes,
Come visit me at
You said it so well 🙂 I pray you have some peace in your busyness 🙂
The peace that God brings us is the full and living knowledge that He is in control. We cannot choose what happens to us, we can only choose how we react. And if we understand this fully, we can REST (the peace that passes understanding) in the chaos of our lives, knowing that we are in the Father's loving palm.
yes, my days have been like yours, I'm a thinkin'…you said it perfectly- I don't want it to slow down, but I don't want to drown, either. We've had so many activities and lessons for my kids- I keep re-evaluating if this is what I really want to be doing (the taxi-mom part) and yet I value the learning opportunities my kids have. So far we are just trying to hang on- one class has been dumped, that one evening back is helping 🙂
much grace and peace to you this fall!
It is VERY important to find the joy in the chaos! Not always easy..but necessary.
BTW.. You've been awarded the One Lovely Blog award