I pray you have JOY in your homeschool and household today!
More info about this alphabetical photo meme is below…
Join up for the Homeschool Post has A B See Meme (an alphabetical photo meme) for a chance to win a prize each month. Each week they put FIVE of the best alphabet pictures on their blog each week to showcase them and once a month, a random winner is selected from the best photos of the month. All you do is upload your photos to their Flickr Group – so you don’t even technically have to be a blogger to join… you just have to have an alphabetical themed photo and a flickr account! By the way, flickr is free!
The meme is posted on Fridays each week and you don’t necessarily have to start on the letter A or go in any particular order or at any particular speed… and you can skip weeks or not – up to you entirely.
Here are the links to the past few ‘A B See’ posts I have done here:
A is for antique.
B is for bugging big-sis.
C is for computer.
D is for digger.
E is for eat… and Elmers.
F is for fried rice.
G is for goofy girl.
H is for Heather.
I is for insect.
Tip: Use the dictionary to get ideas if you are stumped on a letter. No excuses! Get clicking!
You have until Friday morning (early) to load your picture on the Flickr group and be considered for the top five that will be displayed next week. This month’s prize will be given out tomorrow!
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A prayer for joy–exactly what I need today! Blessings! ~K
I love that picture, Heather. What a poignant reminder to find the JOY in everyday things. I will carry that reminder with me today! Thanks for your encouragement!
Love the letters… J-O-Y. What a creative idea! This photo meme looks like fun… I should link up! 🙂