Ready for a give-away? Interested in learning about some great tunes for your Christian music collection? Read on…
Meredith Andrews is very new to me… introduced to me by my 11 year old (which spends way too much time on Pandora Radio listening to Britt Nicole-esque music). She begged me for weeks to take her to Mardels to pick up this album and offered to do every chore in the house to make up the money she lacked. I admit I was curious as to what was so special that she would work her little fingers to the bone (and cook dinner without help) to purchase. Sweet surprises – Meredith has a wonderful voice and her song, “You are Not Alone” is a joy. I don’t mind when Morgan leaves her MA CD in my SUV. KWIM?
Mela Kamin (which you can’t buy on Amazon – you have to purchase through her store online) is a Christian singer that I actually have had the pleasure to MEET in person – twice! She’s even a blogger! And she does vlogging over there, too. I loved the vlog about the way she sings to her kids each night before she puts them to bed. I adore her voice and her personality. We love bee-bopping to “Surrounded by Your Love”. The baby even ‘dances’ in his car seat when it comes on.
Krystal Myers is a young new Christian singer that my 11 year old daughter introduced me to. I think she found her while listening to Pandora Radio on my iPhone (the Britt Nicole channel). She’s energetic and has really amazing pop songs – very catchy and upbeat. One of my favorites is ‘In Your Hands’. She looks kind of tweeny-bop on the cover, but I was impressed with her talent. I don’t mind sharing the CD player in the car when we can both agree on the tunes! I might even put a few of these on my iTunes account and transfer them to my music players!
Heather Payne came to me as a review and made her way in to my stash of every-day faves (the ones that get left in the CD player all the time). The cool thing about this album is that she takes traditional hymns that most long-time hymn-singing Christians would know… and she adds a little original twist and some great background music to them. You find yourself just singing along in praise and worship. Her voice is sweet and easy to sing with. Love her passion. Two of my faves from her album are “Be Thou My Vision” and “Jesus Paid it All”.
I have quite a few Chris Rice albums and I know he’s been around a long time. It was hard to pick just one album, but I discovered him not long after I became a Christian myself and fell in love with “Smellin’ Coffee” on those long drives to work when I was on fire with the newness of Christ. That song drew me to buy this album… but the song that gave me chills every time I heard it was “And Your Praise Goes On”. Chris’ smooth voice and the poetry of the lyrics in “Your Praise Goes On” are breathtaking. I can’t help but sing along with tears in my eyes. Another favorite of his (on a different album) is “Hallelujahs”. It is probably my favorite non-Christmas Christian song of all time.
My daughter went through a long phase of ‘Britt Nicole Mania’ (we affectionately called it). Over the time when we had to endure song after song, they grew on us. After a while of not hearing them I find I’ve come to miss them. I’m pretty sure I’m going to add a few to my collection of Christian music when I get time to update my iTunes library, actually. A few of her favorites of mine are “Headphones” (Morgan’s favorite, too), “Glow”, and “Safe”. On another of her albums ‘Say It’, she has a really cute song called “Holiday” about taking a break from the grind (love her lyrics ‘lack of sleep is what I do – Starbucks rescue me, again’). It is great having upbeat and happy tunes ready to go when you need a pick me up. Makes for good driving music, too.
Last but not least – the CD that never leaves my favorites… Watermark’s “All Things New”. I know every note, every word, every breath of this album by heart. It is like air to me. It never leaves my vehicle… and it’s already on my iTunes (probably was the first thing that got put on there). After I had my miscarriage, it was “Glory Baby” that helped me get through the pain. Every time I have a good friend that makes my heart soar, I think of them when I sing “More Than You’ll Ever Know”. Christy’s voice is like brown-sugar-maple-cinnamon and I love singing with her more than any other performer. I couldn’t leave this album off of the list even though it’s really an oldie: released in 2000.
I actually have a copy of Mela Kamin and Heather Payne’s CDs to give away (both to one randomly chosen winner). You can have up to ten entries if you post about this give-away, tweet about this give-away, connect with me on Google Friend Connect or Twitter… and/or sub to my RSS feed. All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments…
What are a few of your top Christian recording artists/songs?
Make sure that each entry for each thing you do is a separate one! If you put all the stuff you do in one entry it will only count once! I’ll accept entries for the CDs through Friday!
I followed you on google friend connect.
I'm really pretty old schaool in my CCM. I love Randy Stonehill, Michael Card, Kim Hil among others.
I love so many it is hard to identify just a few. Recently introduced to the music of Page CXVI, and love their focus on hymns. Fernando Ortega, Chris Tomlin, Nicole C. Mullen, Casting Crowns, MercyMe, etc…
Follow on Twitter. -klowcrafts
Following with google friend.
Not suicturre if this is worth another entry . . . The name Meredith Andrews and her picture Be seemed very familiar. Then I realized that she was on the worship team at the Harvest Bible Chapel we used to a.ttend. I think she is still at that one, we just go to a different one now. She has an amazing voice and is a very sweet young lady.
I am going to start a britt nicole channel on pandora and see if my 11 year old likes it.
My favourites are Michael Card, The Innocence Mission, Chris Rice, Andrew Peterson (to mention just a few).
Also, lately I've been listening to a kids CD (narrative-and-music) with interesting insights on Christian living and excellent music. It's called Peter's Heart, by Barbara Gante and Nikos Papadogiorgos. (Just google it if interested – I strongly recommend it to anyone whose kids are 'difficult' to manage and have anger issues).
I follow you on google friend connect 🙂
I've been getting your post via your RSS feed/email for a long time. Always look forward to your emails.
I think I successfully was able to do a Google friend/follower thing….at least I tried. 🙂
I still enjoy the Imperials, Sandi Patty, Keith Greene, etc. But I also enjoy Travis Cottrell's Alive CD — the track Alive Forever Amen – a SERIOUS jammin in the car w/your kids listening event!!! The kids have this on their iPods. Also from that CD is the medley In Christ Alone – Solid Rock – another crank it up and jam out selection.
I really love Kari Jobe. 🙂
And I also like "How He Loves Us" by David Crowder Band. (I follow you on Twitter!)
Some of my favs: Need to Breathe, Leeland, Kathryn Scott, Lenny LeBlanc, Brian Doerksen, anything by Hillsong and Hillsong United, Israel Houghton, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Paul Baloche, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman…oh I could go on and on!:)
My favorites are Buddy Davis, Speer Family, and Ray Boltz… I am not real current in the today-world. Might check out some of these though! At the least, they'd make good gifts for a teen of my acquaintance who likes music.
My favorite group of all time is Selah. So yup, it made me love Relevant even more!
I am a follower. (Kind of has a negative connotation, doesn't it?)
My all time fave song is Chris Rice's Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus). I can't listen without tearing up.
I just connected with you via google connect..
one of my top christian artists is:
TobyMac, he is great.. Chris Tomlin, Nicole C Mullen, i love MercyMe, Big Daddy Weave.. and so many more
i just posted your giveaway on my facebook page…
just posted a link to your give away on my blog
You need to have some OWL CITY CDs on here… I mean, it's totally uncool to not have any traces of Adam's awesomeness on your blog. Just sayin'…