You know I’ve been off and on in here since the baby was born… and when I do have time to work online, I’ve been helping to keep the Homeschool Post ship shape. I’m really excited to have had one of our authors on the Post take over in a leadership position in my ‘absence’ and she’s done a fabulous job of keeping it running over there so that the readers have good posts every day. If you haven’t been by to see the Post lately, you are missing out.
Just yesterday we posted the GREEN EDITION of the homeschool carnival. Click the graphic above to go there and read! There are a few of my pictures in it and a link back over here to a long-ago homeschool project that involved a green moth and a God moment.
I miss homeschooling… I feel like we are going a snail’s pace around here… but I know it is a season and I need to cherish it while it lasts.
Yesterday we enjoyed a good book together and I felt accomplished. Finally we are on the upswing from the past 2+ weeks of being sick with a respiratory bug. Today I’m plotting ways to get out of here and go run some important errands – or else lose my medical benefits for the baby (have to go get a birth certificate at the hospital because apparently the screaming infant in the background on the phone is not proof enough for the insurance company). It’s always something.
I hear it’s SPRING outside. In Texas that means perfect weather to be outdoors (and much-needed sunshine… I can see it spilling in the windows and can’t wait to feel it on my skin). I think I’ll call a friend or two – now that we are well – and BREAK OUTTA HERE.
What do you have going on today?
Well, it's late…but what we HAD going on earlier today was going to town to purchase a gift for our pastor's wife, and a gift for Evan's homeschool PE coach. Then we were off to homeschool PE, came home and went for a walk with the puppy. Then I watched Evan play outside for an hour or so (I cleaned up the front yard). That was the extent of our day!
Yes, it is nice to get out in the spring weather and feel warmth…that's what I am looking forward too once we bust outta the Pacific Northwest! LOL Glad you are going to get to escape. Nothing like a BAD case of cabin fever!