Lately the days just seem to be running together. I looked back on my April calendar and almost every appointment has an X through it because I have been so absorbed with just living life with four kids.
Nobody told me that laundry and housekeeping for SIX was the devil. All you people who are blogging out there – who are homeschooling out there – with more than four kids… you are MY HEROES. True dat.
I stood up today and hardly ever stopped – moving, cleaning, cooking, gathering, sorting, feeding, shuffling, driving, walking, picking up, folding, putting away, tucking in, rinsing out, pouring, shutting, checking, … and here I am…
at 11:24…
…able to SIT.
The muscles in my arms are quivering like I had been swimming all day. Did you ever do that as a kid? Swim ALL day long and be almost jiggly rubber when you were done? SO stinkin’ tired that you could hardly do anything but eat, drink, and fall into a pile of pillows on a couch or bed and DROOL?
That’s me the past 2 months. A puddle where I once was. Just call me ‘slushy’.
What’s sad are all the blog posts that will never see the light of day. You’ll just have to trust me that I can write interesting and encouraging things… stories about family, about my grandparents, about children and motherhood, faith-filled devotions, great homeschool tips and ideas…
They pop in to my head while I’m doing all that STUFF up there in paragraph number three. They pop in to my head when I’m about to fall asleep. They pop in to my head when I’m in the shower (the only 10 minutes a day when I am not in charge of someone else).
And then, they disappear in to the urgent moments that swallow up the rest of the day. “Do the next thing. Do the next thing. Do the next thing…” … “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can…”
Someone needs to invent a waterproof recorder so you can dictate notes in the shower. To yourself.
Yes, I know I’m crazy.
Anyway… I’m still here. I’m still homeschooling (barely – but I’m sure it will get better). I’m still a blogger (I think). I’m still moving to WordPress (eventually). And I still love you for checking in over here while things are so quiet. Trust me, they are NOT quiet in my house!
I love you forever,
Love the belly button photo!
Looking after your kids & family is way more important than blogging, don't sweat it! I know what you mean though about having posts in your head.
Oh, and some days I only sit down when I'm either breastfeeding or driving!
You will survive! 😉
Hang in there.
What precious photos! I hope the craziness settles down a little bit – and if not, I hope it's at least enjoyable!
I also wanted to share with you a project we've been working on that was officially published yesterday. It's the Mom's Guide to Caring for Little Teeth. Hopefully it will be a help to you!
Well, I dunno about a tape recorder, but I do know of a waterproof notepad for the shower!
It is good to just do the next thing! Because those things that you are doing are LIFE… and building up precious little ones that can one day do all those same things for YOU. 🙂
Love you whether or not you blog weekly.
PS I have brilliant blog posts in my head too! They just seem to get lost between my brain and the keyboard.
I remember those days, of just getting through it and falling into bed at the end wondering what the heck did I DO today? Every new foster baby brought the same thing– baby smiles, late nights, barfy shoulders, a blur of things to do while trying to homeschool, and exhaustion. It will get better! *hugs!*
Heather, this could be a "God-thing," you & this shower tape recorder! I'm pretty sure the inventor of the chip-clip was a Christian (another thing to google, lol) I'd buy one 🙂
I so hear you! (I homeschool 5 ages 11 and under) I think I notice it the most in my feet – I don't realize how much they are aching until late at night I finally sit down and – Wow – my feet are really worn out.
Great pictures – and hope the chaos ebbs for a bit in the near future for you!
Misty 🙂
oh yeah, right there with you! I wish I could blog more, but I'm busy living the life!! Love your photos 🙂 So, you are moving to WP? give me a good/compelling reason? -I'll browse around and see if you've already blogged about it. I've been contemplating moving for a year now, and it gives me a headache, so I haven't done it. I have a lot of photos, you do, too- do you know how that will move over?
hang in there, it stays busy, but not so physically exhausting- my baby is 9 right now.
much grace and peace to you this week 🙂