It’s a difficult thing to get a good shot for portraits under a tree like this one in the heat of the day. Dappled shade casts darker shadows and filtered sunlight comes in tiny bursts to overexpose faces. Never-the-less, trees like these make wonderful background material and are lovely. I can totally understand why my photo clients picked this pretty place… even if I had to drive across town to get there.
They were having a renewal of vows ceremony. A mini wedding of sorts.
I love taking photos of people who are dressed to the nines. Whatever the ‘nines’ are?
I just wish that more people would have weddings in the WINTER. Because taking photos in Texas in the summer is tricky business… by the time you get some good shots off, everyone is melting – tired – hot – sticky – sweaty – and generally in a cranky mood…
The trees made great distractions for the kids, though… so all was well.
In fact, I could hardly get the kids OUT of the trees.
So, we just ‘went with it’.
Kind of like a Tarzan theme… only, with church clothes on.
I’ve never taken photos for an older couple before. I’m not sure why I didn’t ask him to take his sunglasses off… but I’m feeling rather silly about it now. And if you blow the photo up, you can see me standing there – inside his glasses – taking the picture.
More tree. I’m seeing a theme here.
I love this shot. A kiss in the sunlight. How romantic.
I wanted to get more photos in this little chapel (the light from the huge window was delicious), but everyone wanted to go outside where the trees were.
I think the arches were my favorite part of this location. I love that white Austin limestone.
It makes for a real pretty background for close up shots, too. I am kicking myself now for not taking one of each kid at the wall.
Aren’t they cute? I have a set of 4 just like these. Trouble is, they get to be teenagers eventually…
But I have a sense of humor about it all.
Do you like my photos? I can’t help but want to end this post with “FIN” like some soundless vintage international film might have – just before the credits roll.
Rachel E. says
They are beautiful photos. I kind of like the one with the sunglasses. It give the impression that the woman is looking up at him wondering why he has them on.
JayLeigh says
I like these photos very much! The picture of the kiss is so sweet. The picture of the kids making faces is hilarious! You did a really good job with the shadows in the pictures. 😀