T is for trouble. Tons of things on the to-do-list. Ticking time clocks. Too much to tackle. Teenagers testing the limits. Terrific twos and tiny tots.
And… Thanksgiving:
* I love my friends. One particular friend helped me catch up my laundry today (yay!).
* The dining room, kitchen and living room are not finished being painted yet — and I don’t care. Totally not stressed about it. I know we’ll get to it when we can.
* The sniffles linger on at our house — but so thankful that no one is sick still.
* I have big plans for a week of amazing curriculum reviews coming up — which requires time to sit down and write (working on finding that time, I promise)…
* I sense some give-aways planned very soon for my loyal blog readers…
* I’d love to answer any homeschool questions you have — so be sure and contact me if you have one. I might even answer your question in a blog post! *hint – hint… need some new material here*
* My desk isn’t clean and the bills are not paid yet — I had good intentions today and tried my hardest…
* There are not enough hours in the day.
* I’m sure Jesus would disagree with me on that last statement, and I’m sure he’d remind me of that verse about each day having enough trouble of its own.
My husband told me the other day – “You know, I thought we had kids when we had 2 kids, but we were just babysitters. Now we are parents.” Four kids is something else. Entirely.
I can only imagine having five, or six, or eight. I can only imagine the busyness and the wonder of it — all rolled in to one wild ride. That’s kind of like how it feels at the end of the day around here… like I managed to stay on a mechanical bull for 12 straight hours or longer… and my joy and exhaustion intermingle in to the deepest, sweetest sleep (sleep that manages to happen in brief intervals between nursing the baby and cuddling the toddler who woke with bad dreams).
Having to discuss the deep mysteries of the universe and the human soul with a teenager… and teach an infant how to grasp a toy and say “mama” — all in 24 hours is a stretch beyond anything I ever imagined.
I just thought this year was going to be about ‘joy’. I’m learning that God is teaching joy through TRUST. He’s pulled the rug out from under me … so there’s nothing for me to do but trust Him.
‘The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.’
“You’ll never know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.” ~Mother Teresa

More info about this alphabetical photo meme is below…
Join up for the Homeschool Post has A B See Meme (an alphabetical photo meme) for a chance to win a prize each month. Each week they put FIVE of the best alphabet pictures on their blog each week to showcase them and once a month, a random winner is selected from the best photos of the month. All you do is upload your photos to their Flickr Group – so you don’t even technically have to be a blogger to join… you just have to have an alphabetical themed photo and a flickr account! By the way, Flickr is free!
The meme is posted on Fridays each week and you don’t necessarily have to start on the letter A or go in any particular order or at any particular speed… and you can skip weeks or not – up to you entirely.
Here are the links to the past few ‘A B See’ posts I have done here:
A is for antique.
B is for bugging big-sis.
C is for computer.
D is for digger.
E is for eat… and Elmers.
F is for fried rice.
G is for goofy girl.
H is for Heather.
I is for insect.
J is for joy.
K is for Kreative Spelling and Killer Homeschool Deals.
L is for live music.
M is for matryoshka.
N is for national cemetery.
O is for Orchids and Opryland.
P is for Pregnant.
Q is for quack.
R is for rocks.
S is for street.
Tip: Use the dictionary to get ideas if you are stumped on a letter. No excuses! Get clicking!
You have until each Friday morning to load your picture on the Flickr group and be considered for the top five that will be displayed next week. Don’t forget: A prize goes out each month to one random participant!