I actually got nominated for something! Wow! THANK YOU to whomever it is out there with such eclectic taste. It feels so weird to be on the nominated side of an awards… because as you all may know, I’ve been running the Homeschool Blog Awards now for six years. We’re having the 7th Annual Homeschool Blog Awards this October. I’ve spent the past week getting prepared to start our PR drive for prizes and make sure our site is ready for the busy season. Haven’t had time to just ‘play’ online. Imagine my surprise to see that someone loved me while I was away.
Here are the categories I’m listed in:
The Double-Take
You take a look at her status and ask, “Did she really just say that?”
Hahaha! My husband would laugh at that one … I was thinking today about how much of my life is just “untweetable”. Believe me – there are many moments around here that I’m at a loss for words over. Sorry for all the TMI when my iPhone is handy and brain is out-to-lunch.
Homeschooling Juggler
She manages to mix in walks with the kids, school lessons, and chocolate breaks and still be a constant, present force on Twitter almost 24/7.
Heavy on the chocolate breaks. And hey – if you haven’t heard of “scheduling” tweets – you should try it… makes you look like you work real hard (or never leave the computer). Cooking gourmet meals should be on that description for me this past two weeks, though… because we’ve been on the 17 Day Diet and I can’t eat any carbs but fruit before 2pm for 17 days. Carbs are like in… EVERYTHING. I’ve eaten more veggies this past 10 days than I have in my whole life, I think. I’m chalking it up to a great HomeEc lesson for the kids – who are helping me cook each night (whether they like it or not).
Point-and-shoot. DSLR. Camera-phone. This person is willing to capture anything on camera and share it with the world, even your most embarrassing moments.
Yay! I heart peekshurs. And I heart that people like my peekshurs. Did you know that my photo made the cover of the Texas Homeschool Coalition’s latest magazine? I was so pumped up about it. I love being a photographer – one who captures life’s little moments. It’s a passion for me and has been long before I started going “professional” with it. To me it’s just a hobby on steroids.
God knows when you need a little pat on the back. Thanks for being his hands today. You have positively made my day. [If I weren’t on a diet, I’d ask you to bring brownies over so we could stuff our faces in celebration. Wait. I think I still might ask you to bring them over anyway. Please?]
So I would tell you to vote for me… but there are a lot of great people on that page — and I love them (I’ve met like 13 or more of them in person and they really are every bit as wonderful as they are online)… so – just go vote for someone wonderful!
Congrats on your nomination =)
Heather – you go girl!!! Look at all those nominations! That is awesome!!! I LOVE that photo too, and LOVE that it is on the cover of the Texas Homeschool mag!!! Total awesomeness!!!