I bet you thought I had disappeared off the face of the earth, eh?
Well, that is – unless you follow me on twitter or instagram.
I went to Houston – to the THSC Convention! I took my camera. I was REEEEAL busy.
No time for blogging when you are capturing the essence of an event. Especially one with 6,200 people attending.
6,200 homeschoolers! In one hotel!
I’m still in a fog after being around so many great people.
People like Miss Stephanie – who is the Ringmaster of THSC. Morgan has decided she wants to grow up and be just like her. She makes event planning look like a cakewalk.
And now – back in Austin, I’m coming down off cloud nine so I can do my laundry, catch up on some homeschooling, get groceries, sort paperwork, and cook meals. Among other menial things.
Sounds blogworthy, eh?
I miss my hotel view. And having maids to pick up after us.
Heavy on the maids part.
Stick around later this week for the reviews of the 2012 THSC Family Homeschool Conference…
… our funtastic Field Trip to the Houston Downtown Aquarium, and the last post in my 10 day series… which is a couple of months late now.
{ Better late than never. }
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Welcome back! Looking forward to reading your reviews. And I’ve been wondering where that last post from your 10 days series was!
As for the missing the maids, I can relate — enjoying a family vacation now (just had fresh towels delivered and trash emptied without asking!), and will be in ‘re-entry’ mode soon.
Thanks! Yeah, I was wondering if anyone noticed I skipped that last post. I was waiting on a friend from an email group to give me some statistics and data (she’s an expert of sorts), and it never happened… and then life did. LOL