If there’s one thing Texans don’t lack, it’s the love of all things Texas. Pretty much the only thing bigger is God himself.
The painting above is of the Texas Hill Country in spring. Some sweet lady at our church painted it. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Bluebonnets and winding country roads make my heart sing.
So does a certain three year old, … and what he said to his grandma this past week.
He was talking to her as she washed dishes and he crawled up in a chair to get a better look (and most likely GRASP) at all the things on her cabinet shelf. She has all sorts of nick-knacks that drive you to dusting. His gaze was captured by a needlepoint of Texas, complete with ranch animals, windmills and tiny oil rigs spurting with black gold.
“Chickie!” He blurted out in excitement. “That’s Teckas!”
When she regained her composure, my mom (his Chickie, “because she was too young to be a grandma”) said, “Yes, Koko, that IS Texas!”
I bet she’ll be calling it Teckas now for the rest of her life.
She asked him, “Who lives in Texas, Koko?”
He smiled really big, and said, “Jesus.”
There you have it. Jesus is a Texan.
So I guess the devil is just trying to smoke him out with these blistering summers we suffer through. Or maybe it’s part of his way of warning us of what’s to come if we don’t follow Him? Either way, it’s going to be a whole lot easier to justify the misery of summer now that I know Jesus is my neighbor.
Aren’t you jealous? Especially all my Yankee Christian friends.
What, you aren’t?
Well, you might not be now. Not in 104 degree August. But you watch!
Come January, you’ll want to live next door to Jesus, too.
{ Hallelujah and Yeehaw! }
Heather, I love this! Oh, the things they say!
So funny! Yep! We love God first, Texas second, and everything else comes after.
That is precious!
I LOVE that picture.
Does your church member sell her art somewhere? We just bought a honest-to-goodness house this summer and I’m looking for artwork for the main room!
The lady that painted it is deceased. 🙁 Sorry. It was a gift she left to the church and hangs in our hallway. I love it, too.