Yes, EVERYONE is trying to lose weight because it is New Years. But this isn’t the time to roll your eyes and dismiss them because they are conformists. This is the time to imagine all those OTHER people who are suddenly dieting as your little helpers – helping you by NOT eating candy and cookies in front of you. Helping you by NOT asking you to share a bag of Cheetos or go with them to scarf down a burger and a GIANT sized McDonald’s french fry.
Having the world diet with you is really not so bad. Even if you are ultra-competitive like my 13 year old daughter. A little competition can actually be a great motivation.
And so, even though I’m certainly NOT original, I am jumping on the skinny bandwagon for 2013. Tomorrow is my last day of being defeated as a frumpy mom. I’m challenging myself to be a new and healthier me this year – for myself and for my family.
A year or so ago, I started the 17 Day Diet. I lost about 11 pounds in a month and then decided I was off the hook. Don’t get me wrong, 11 pounds is nearly half of what I am hoping to lose, and it felt great to get in to another jean size, but it wasn’t a lifestyle change – which is the only sustainable way to lose weight… so the weight just gradually came right back. It took a year. A year of BAD CHOICES (which is what I am going to talk to you about tomorrow).
And here I am again – back at 150, size 12… #yuck
I have a size 4 ring finger. Teeny tiny wrists. Small arms and a small-boned frame. I’m not even 5’4″, and everyone (including my older 2 kids) seems to be taller than me.
I have NO ROOM for these extra pounds I’ve been toting. And if anyone has held a 10 pound child for longer than a few minutes, just imagine what carrying 3 of them around ALL the time would feel like… or rather, what it would feel like to finally be able to put all 3 of them down after a long trek.
I’ll admit it. I have a sweet tooth. I have a few junk teeth, too. I really LIKE McDonald’s greasy food. I love bacon and chocolate… and come to think of it, I love whipped cream – sometimes straight out of the can into my mouth. I think the first nickname my husband ever gave me was “Chippy”. Probably because I had Dorito-breath. Eew.
Needless to say, I’ll be banishing quite a few “close foody friends” all at once starting tomorrow. In all honesty, I already started making some of these good choices over the holidays… and our family has been eating healthier for about a year now (not without our setbacks).
It helps that we also just got over the flu, too. About the only good thing about wasting an entire week over Christmas break with the flu is the lack of desire to over-eat when EVERY imaginable chocolate covered thing is readily available. I managed to not ingest an entire pan full of “Grandma’s Surprise”… which I have absolutely ZERO will to turn down if it is within my grasp. Hello: Chocolate, cream-cheesy, chocolate pudding & whipped cream.
Since early December, I’ve been preparing to DO THIS THING. I have been reading about success stories from online friends and getting inspired for the past month to take this leap. I think that what it boils down to is just being FED UP with not being fit. Fed up with muffin tops and thunder thighs. Who doesn’t hate it when their jeans rub together (or won’t snap)? Fed up with feeling gross after dinner because you overate. Fed up with the poor example you are to your children with a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of GETTING OUT and GOING.
So I’m not just aiming for weight loss this time. In fact, I am wanting that to be ONE of the natural benefits – the side effects – of a life that is REARRANGED and a lifestyle that is CHANGED.
Here are the goals for 2013:
1. Eat as healthy as possible every day.
2. Eat out less and cook at home more.
3. Avoid sweets as a daily reward – they should be a treat on special occasions.
4. Reduce the amount of sugar, salt and fat we use.
5. Avoid fast foods – especially processed white breads and transfats/greasy fried foods.
6. Get more pro-active about planning menus and packing lunches ahead of time to prevent slip-ups.
7. Eat more organic.
8. Drink more water and get the kids to drink more water.
9. Exercise daily and get outside more.
10. Not get sidetracked by a slip up – get RIGHT back on the band wagon the very same day!
Here is what I’m hoping are some side effects of this new lifestyle:
A. Lose up to 25 lbs and up to 2 jeans sizes. Oh, a girl can dream!
B. Inspire my children to live more active and healthy lives. THIS is the kicker!
C. Live longer and more fuller life (to be around when my one year old gets married).
D. Have more fun with my family and husband (instead of sitting on a couch or in front of a screen).
E. Let the self discipline spill over in to all areas of my life as I taste victory.
…& Encourage / Inspire OTHERS to do the same!
So here are some links I have been saving up on inspiring stories, challenges, fitness-communities, etc…
My Fitness Pal (I just signed up!)
4ever Unfrumpy (private Facebook Group)
17 Day Diet and 17 Day Diet Recipes
(and my Amazon link in case you want to BUY the 17 Day Diet)
The Natasha Rusilko story “I’m Gonna Make a Change”
Amanda’s weight loss story… of Kevin & Amanda
31 Days to a Healthier Life by my inspirational friend Ruthanne
The Run Your A$$ Off Weight Loss Challenge
The Omron Fitness Challenge with Bookieboo & Mamavation
These are places I’m either plugging in or checking out during my journey. I’d love to have you jog along with me as I learn how to be active. I am the girl that used to say blogging was my exercise – I’ve NEVER had a consistent exercise plan – even as a kid. I had asthma and a big case of PE lazy-butt and sat on the sidelines as often as I could get away with it. Which leads me to believe that this won’t be easy… but I’m just FED UP enough to WANT to get FIT.
I am going to call my new journey “FedUp 2 Fit” (and in my case – at 40). I opened a new twitter account for it so (just in case I go CRAZY and want to talk fitness all day). I can’t imagine that happening, but you never know what crazy thing you might do if your butt magically fits in to a size 6 pair of jeans all of the sudden. KWIM? You can follow me there if you are on the same journey : @fedup2fit
As a homeschool mama, I’m turning this in to Health 101 at every teachable moment. The kids will be intimately involved (even if it is really painful at first to peel them away from the xbox and iPads). I’m going to share what I’m learning about health, recipes, and weight loss as I go. I’m planning to do a weekly check-in post and I may grow it in to a link up if there’s interest. For now, it’s just me on a mission… along with some heavy prayer for a positive result in 2013.
{ Wanna join me? }
First of all, I love your blog design. It immediately made me want to read more! π
“But this isnβt the time to roll your eyes and dismiss them because they are conformists.” <- Yes! How many poor souls gave up before they even started because they didn't want to be lumped into the NY conformists group?
I'm on My Fitness Pal and if I can remember my password to get back on I'll hook up with you! Off to check into the Run Your A$$ Off out.
Look forward to running this journey with you!
Thanks! Yes, do join up for that other challenge! There’$ money involved!
I checked and I’m not sure how to hook up with you on My Fitness Pal. I’m under the email connected with this comment and under SimplyJunebug.
I sent you an email on there. π
Hey there! Nice to “meet” you on my blog this morning! I love this post….great goals for 2013. You can do it! I’m glad we are in the Sistahood together and sharing our fitness journey this year. I hope we both get selected for the Omron Fitness Challenge! I have a wicked sweet tooth, too….it’s been hard to stay focused over the holidays but I’m going to hit the ground running (literally!) today. See you soon!!
I hope we get picked, too! So great to have buddies online!
For the record, I think you look gorgeous. π
You can do this, and we’ll be here to cheer you on the whole way!
Awww, shucks. Thanks for the cheering. I think prayers would also help. I went to bed hungry.
Hi I’m a long time reader. I just do not get a lot of time to write you a comment. I started this same journey back in October, because I will be 40 come 2014 and I did not want to be in the same health situation my mom was in heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. She passed away of a stroke at 54 years old.
Something that has really helped me to stick with it was joining the Whole Food kitchen ecourse from Beauty that moves. It was the best 2 months of my life to get me started eating healthy and making life style changes for my whole family. Plus having my sister join me as a exercise buddy. I have lost 13 pounds so far and eating whole foods has just become a regular thing.
I wish you well on your journey and on those days when the last thing you want to do is workout do it any way you will feel better for it.
Hi Ranna! I’m so blessed by your comment! Way to go on your weight loss & thanks so much for the tip! Wish I had a sister that lived close to buddy with!
Heather, I hear you on this. 2013 will bring about big changes for our family and I’m hoping a more fit lifestyles makes it into our changes. Good for you for writing about this. I think it’s a topic so many of us moms deal with.
Wish you lived closer! We could walk together! Good luck with your goals!
Love this! You’re gorgeous, btw. I think you look great, but I know that we see ourselves in very different lights. Good luck, and we’re here to follow and support your journey!
Thanks Lydia! And yes — I knew the girl that used to wear size 6 and thought she was fat back THEN! π I see my daughter wearing all my old clothes that I outgrew and KNOW that I’m being a bad example for her. I want her to see me have self discipline so she can live healthier and reach her goals.
Go. I’m on the bandwagon with you!!
Woohoo! Go girl!
Great goals for the new year. Welcome to the mamavation sisterhood. We’re here to support you throughout your journey. Keep it up you can do this.