Don’t let those sweet faces fool you.
In the last 30 minutes they have:
1. Emptied half a box of crackers on the kitchen table and crushed them in to dust.
2. Turned the water on and plugged the sink in the powder room downstairs – thank God mama had to pee and found it before it went splashing over the counter to the floor. The sink was 3/4 full when I got there to drain it.
3. Pulled all the floss out of a small, round dental floss container and swung it around the room like a deadly yo-yo weapon. Forget gun control, dental floss is the new WMD.
4. Poured out two boxes of toys on my living room floor (that take them an hour to clean up with constant supervision).
5. Chased the cat.
6. Carried blueberry yogurt out of the kitchen on to my new carpet and proceeded to drip it all over their socks and on to the floor.
7. Screamed and fought, culminating in the 2 year old pushing the 4 year old in to the refrigerator corner where he bumped his head.
8. Called their big brother names.
9. Told mama “NO!”
10. Made this old mama feel about 20 years older than I am… which isn’t that young.
{ Good thing kids are cute. I think God planned it that way for their survival. }
“thank God mama had to pee and found it before it went splashing over the counter to the floor.”
And who exactly made sure you had to pee at JUST that moment?
My dad travels for a living and has learned NOT to ignore his body’s demands for pee. From the number of accidents he has missed by getting off to go find a potty break, he realizes that God protects him even with his bodily functions.
(Ie he is travelling along with a certain group of cars, gets off to go pee, gets on, and shortly down the road discovers that group of cars got tangled up in an accident. This has happened to him so many times he believes it is God’s Gracious hand on his life, and nothing else.)
They are so cute~
A lesson is patience?? Nah!! 😉 I can smile because it’s at YOUR house and not mine!!! Hugs!
I’ve had a couple of simular days this week. Thankfully mine usually do something insanely sweet to make up for it the next day.
I definitely heard that it’s why G-d made kids cute otherwise we would really never have patience for them. It reminds me of the time my two oldest (one is already married with 3 kids) were playing and I was reading, it was so quiet and I was enjoying myself so I deluded myself that things were fine. I finally decided to go check on them. They were in the bathroom on the sink, totally stripped with a sink full of water and toilet paper and they were washing the toothpaste all over the mirror.
All I could do at the time was to lean on the bathroom door and laugh. (otherwise I would have cried)