I’ve been researching, studying, gathering resources, pulling all my old lesson planners out, emailing friends, and getting my preschool ducks in a row. It was only a matter of time until I shared it all with you!
As I was writing out all my notes for my preschoolers this year, I discovered that if I were to try and fit all the preschooly goodness in to ONE post, it was going to be a mile long.
“Mile-long” is no good – especially for busy homeschooling mamas. I’m pretty sure you have a life; am I right?
Plus, it has been over a year since I did my last series for homeschooling – the Accidental Unschooling series. It was about time!
Preschool has been the spark that got this old mama’s homeschool fire burning bright again. Teenagers, while they need their mom still, are very capable of teaching themselves with very little direction. After all, the objective of education is to teach yourself out of a job, right? Teaching them how to teach themselves?
Admission: High school is awesome, but mama isn’t as “needed” anymore. I have missed the joy and enthusiasm of preschool and elementary school. I love having tots to teach along with my very self-led teens!
So here’s the plan… are you with me?
I’m going to break my preschool ideas post in to TEN separate posts. You’ll have plenty of time to get your own homeschooling done and still pop in for a read.
Here’s my rough draft for the series:
Perfecting Preschool Series:
Day 1: Learning Spaces
Day 2: Activities
Day 3: Schedule
Day 4: Toys
Day 5: Rules
Day 6: Books
Day 7: Circle Time
Day 8: Arts & Crafts
Day 9: Music
Day 10: Electronics & Apps
Doesn’t that sound fun?!
I bet you want to do preschool again, too.
Join me next week, starting Monday evening (after school is out and mama has time to get online). I’ll try and get a post done every day, ending on September 11th. [ As a side note, did you know I started homeschooling my big kids on the week of 9/11? This year’s commemoration will make a full 11 years that I’ve been homeschooling (we took one year off for private school when my oldest was in Kindergarten). ]
Do you have a preschool tip or resource – a post of your own – that you think would be beneficial to link up here? Shoot me an email! I’ll consider it. I can use all the exciting tips I can get to make this preschool year fantastic for my little munchkins.
I’m thrilled to be an old homeschool “dog” learning new preschool tricks. I’m thrilled to be starting over, even though a lot of my homeschool mom friends think I’m one fry short of a Happy Meal. I’m thrilled to see my little guys getting involved in the learning action at our homeschool house.
Homeschooling truly is a a way of life. I can’t imagine ever ending the journey of learning – no matter how old I get. I guess the person who said, “Having kids later in life keeps you young” was right. It sure has given me a boost for this school year!
Some other preschool posts you might enjoy (which are not part of this series):
Keeping Preschoolers Busy So You Can Homeschool
Favorite KONOS Memories from Kindergarten and Preschool Year
First Homeschool Year Field Trips (PK-K)
My Big Homeschool Field Trip List of Ideas
Happy learning!
{ May you always have joy in your homeschooling. }
In Him,
ha – ‘one fry short of a happy meal’…. I think that just described me!