My oldest son is a year behind in school, so his best buddy is graduating a year ahead of him. Granted, his best buddy is about 6-8 months older, but they have grown up together and it is a difficult time for teens when their friends are finishing up and they still have books to read and transcripts to perfect. I can’t believe I’ll be taking senior shots for my own two teens next year!

Kaden met his friend Brandon in 2007 and they have been friends ever since. Brandon and him have a running joke about a game of dodge ball in which one of Kaden’s front teeth got knocked out. Both boys have had horrible dental mishaps. If you have boys, just be glad and count your lucky stars if you don’t have an ER nurse that knows you by name. Being a mother of three boys, I am very thankful for medical insurance.

I took a few senior portraits for Brandon’s mama this past week. I thought I would give you a sneak peek. You can drop by the photography website for more if you are so inclined.
This week, I’m going to try my flash set up on him in preparation for a wedding I’m shooting next weekend. He doesn’t mind being my model, I don’t think. At least he’s politely silent about it. Even when I’m making him dart across freeways to climb hills carpeted with bluebonnets in the middle of medians. Gotta love a Texas senior portrait shoot in the spring!