She asked me at the front desk as I was wheeling in my suitcase and fumbling with my fleece blanket I won’t go anywhere without, “Did you come here for the blog conference?” I could tell she was hoping I would say yes or she might melt into an embarrassed puddle. She seemed relieved when I extended my hand and told her I was the photographer for the conference.
“I’m just a blogger,” she said.
But she was wrong. She was lying. I was pretty certain she was much more than that. She was probably a mother, a wife, a sister, and most certainly someone’s daughter. She probably had many amazing talents – maybe she could make home made tortillas, bead a necklace, sew a quilt, or still recite the answers to the archery test in her 7th grade PE class she cheated on. I can do at least one of those things, too…
The point is – you are more than one thing. And that is what’s so wonderful about people – and life… there are so many open doors in case you decide to close one… or just walk through a few because you want to.
What are your things? Are you a Christian? A spouse? A parent? A writer? An artist? A blogger? A musician? A student? A seeker? A collector? A creator? A fashionista? A coffee drinker? A computer whiz? A cook?
Embrace your things – your WHY. Whatever they are. Embrace your YOU.
Never apologize for it. Even if it’s different and weird. Like my homeschool mom notebook that looks like the 1980’s threw up all over it.
So I guess that was my little pep talk for myself for this crazy weekend where I get to briefly set aside being the thing I am most (a busy homeschool mama) and be the other things I love being – a photographer and a… blogger.
I told my lovely new blogging friend I just made in the lobby that I was a photographer, but I was a blogger first. Blogging was just one of those doors that opened up to another door – one with a camera behind it. It’s wonderful when your passions collide and your “whys” go together.
But if they don’t, never fear. God has a plan for each of us… and has given us the talents he wants each of us to possess. Because someone has to do it. Might as well be you.
As Nietzsche once said… “He who has a why to live can bear most any how.”
I hope you find lots of whys you are good at!
Glenda Cates says
Thank you for reminding me I am more than a Blogger and to be proud of it.
Heather says