Morgan is sick today. She had a sore throat and now has a fever and “gunk” in her throat. She’s been napping a lot today and is miserable. I feel sorry for her. Keep her in your prayers. Also, my husband’s truck is still dead… but a nice man from church is stopping by tomorrow to give it a looking over. I’m praying he can get it going without us having to come up with money to fix it. I really need my vehicle if I’m going to take a trip to Texas in May!
Kaden is well, and feeling spry. The kids have gotten along all day, and our day has gone much better than yesterday – even though we didn’t do very much school today due to Morgan’s illness. Not sure you could really compare a partial school day with a full school day, but I’m really glad they are not out of sorts like yesterday.
My mom called me today to tell me about the tests she had run yesterday. The specialist told her he doesn’t think it is an aneurism, and that he thinks her diabetic retinopathy will not cause her eyes to get worse right now. He said she actually saw 20/20 with her readers on, and he was very encouraged by that. This is really awesome news, and I’m very happy that God is giving us such a blessing!
I have a little bloggy secret to tell you all…. which is another reason I’ve been so happy today (aside from the fact that Hobby Lobby’s stickers were half off today and I had a gift certificate to buy some for our lapbook we are finishing up). My secret? I hired a sweet Christian blog designer to “skin” my blog. Mom 2 Mom Connection calls it a “bloglift”. So, although it is in the works, it will be a little while before the unveiling. I have to finish paying my sweet Christian blog designer first. The first tiny bit came from my tip jar…. so I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who’s put a quarter or two in there. I actually had a little over 14$ to pay towards the final bill (which is much more than 14$). It was nice to get the ball rolling. I am a blog design enthusiast… and drool at all the wonderful designs I see on the net. I’ll have to do a Sprittibee’s Design Pick blog series and offer an award or something. Not like these designers would care to have a silly award from me… but hey – I absolutely love seeing art in action – blog style! I can’t wait to let you see the final product! I’m suspecting it may be done around the end of May. This will be an end of school treat for me, and hopefully make surfing Sprittibee a lot easier and more fun for YOU.
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Technorati Tags: Homeschool, Life, SAHM, Mommy, Homeschooling, Good News, Design, Blog, Prayer, Sick
Hey, thanks for mentioning my blog. I’m so excited to hear about your upcoming new look. I’m sure it will be something fun — just in time for summer! 🙂
🙂 Thanks Heather… from Heather.