This post will qualify as part of my homeschooling series because these games are educational for the most part. Unlike the previous list I posted, these games involve some type of discovery learning in one subject or another. From the previous post:
We have a ton of computer games since my husband is a computer nerd and I used to work for a computer company. We have sold some of these games since we used them. They hardly play any of the PC games we have left since we bought them an X-Box. The kids will tend to get STUCK on one or two of them now and then, and that’s it. The rest of them seem to just collect dust. While I was formatting this list, however, I got an earful of information from them about which games were their favorites and requests for me to resurrect a few from our shelf for future gaming.
I try and limit gaming (even educational games) to an hour a day, and if the chores or school-work don’t get done properly (without complaint or hesitation), my kids get grounded from games. I have found that at their ages (7 and 9), it tends to motivate them when they know they run the risk of loosing “Screen Time”. We have also tried earning stars for game time, but have slacked off on that lately. The kids only got about an hour of game time in last week (yesterday morning).
The games in RED are our favorites (or were our favorites at the prescribed age).
The games in YELLOW are good, but we don’t play them enough (or didn’t play them enough at the prescribed age).
The games in GREEN are ones the kids have not played in a long time, and requested that I get down because they were fun.
Those in BLACK/normal lettering are games that you’ll have to check out on your own (we either have not used them yet, or I can’t remember what they are like because it has been too long!).
Obviously, with my kids in 2nd and 3rd grade this year, we haven’t tried the upper level programs yet. Hopefully they will still be valid games and usable by then! We have way too many games! I’m glad I posted this, though… I see a few on the list that I didn’t even know I had! Time to pull them down from the shelf.
Visualize World Geography in 7 Minutes a Day (Audio CD) – came with a book!
Answers in Genesis – Creation – video
Scripture Solitaire
Knowledge Adventure – Jump Start Phonics
The Bible Library – New International Version
Living Books – Arthur’s Reading Race
Knowledge Adventure – Jumpstart Spanish
Sesame Street – Elmo’s Reading
Sesame Street – Reading Basics
Reader Rabbit – Math Ages 4-6
The Learning Company – Zak’s Look It Up
Tivola – Max On The Moon
Living Books – Arthur’s Birthday
Richard Scarry’s Busytown – Activity Center
The Learning Company – Reader Rabbit – Thinking Adventures (age 4-6)
The Chessmaster 4000
Disney Toy Story
Bugs Bunny and Taz – Time Busters Game
Disney’s – Tarzan Activity Center
Star Wars – Early Learning Activity Center
The Amazon Trail (3rd edition)
Microsoft – Encarta 98 (Encyclopedia)
The Learning Company – Word Munchers Deluxe
DK Multimedia – My First Amazing World Explorer
School House Rock – America Rock
Star Theater 2
Barbie As Sleeping Beauty
Star Wars – Jabba’s Game Galaxy (Math)
Clifford Thinking Adventures
Blues Clues – Blues Birthday Adventure
The Learning Company – Reader Rabbit Preschool (Sparkle Star Rescue)
Learning Buddies – 1st and 2nd grade Math
Waypoint Software – Dollarville
Lego Chess
Reader Rabbit – First Grade (Capers on Cloud Nine)
Adventure on Mutchneed Island (ver 1.0) – Bible Game
National Geographic – Trip Planner Deluxe
Bible Works
Disney – Little Mermaid – Digital Coloring Book
Jumpstart Learning – Spelling (ages 5-8)
Blue’s Clues – Blue’s Art Time
Veggie Tales – Jonah
Clifford The Big Red Dog – Musical Memory Games
Crayola 3d Magic Coloring Book
Ultimate Children’s Encyclopedia
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
Internet Coach/Liftoff to Lizard Island/Q-Notes/Search for the Black Rhino
Knowledge Adventure – Bricks (the ultimate construction toy)
The American Heritage Talking Dictionary
ABC Wide World of Animals
Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center (K-6)
The Oregon Trail – 3rd Edition (K-6)
Reading Blaster (age 6-9)
Chronicle of History Encyclopedia (grades 7-12)
Art Dabbler 2.1 Metacreations (grades 7-12)
ABC 3d atlas (grades 7-12)
Score Builder for the ACT – The Learning Company (grades 7-12)
Score Builder for the SAT – The Learning Company (grades 7-12)
The Learning Company – Success Builder Geometry (grades 7-12)
Math Soft Study Works – School Edition (grades 7-12)
The Discovery Channel – Invention Studio (grades 7-12)
The Learning Company – Grade Builder Math – Algebra 1 (grades 7-12)
Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Space and the Universe (grades 7-12)
Body Works ver 6.0 – a 3d Journey through the Human Anatomy (grades 7-12)
Student Writing and Research Center – The Learning Company (grades 7-12)
Mapquest, The Mystery Trail (ver 1.11)
Cornerstone (college)
The Princeton Review – Word Smart (college)
The Learning Company – Student Writing and Research Center (college)
Math Soft Study Works – School Edition (college)
You Don’t Know Jack Movies (college)
Higher Skills – Softkey Internet Publisher
Compton’s Home Library – Delux Compton’s 3d World Atlas
Astronomy 2000
Transparent Language Transparent Language – Hebrew Now (version 8)
Vietnamese Everyday
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Technorati Tags: Homeschool, Opinion, Fun, Educational, Children, Gaming, Video Games, Reviews, Games, Learning
I like Clifford the Big Red Dog myself..not for the kids but for me. 😀
Yeah, I like playing typer-shark on Yahoo Games. It’s fun. 😉 Lego Racer is another favorite of mine. I always beat the kids on that one. Mrs. Pac-Man Quest for the Golden Maze is my all-time favorite game, though. I keep it in my computer all the time in case I ever get a “free day” to goof off. About three or four times a year, I’ll play it for a while until I beat it (a few hours). It is so fun! What can I say? I’m just a Gen-Xer.
I was looking for an construction toy kit for indoor playing for my kids and my occupational therapist recommended this clics construction toy truck set , the clics has excellent consumer reviews online. The creative colors on these educational toys are for parents of Age 3-5 and teachers of Age 5-7. Needless to say my son plays with these clics every waking hour of the day. It is easy to construct huge things in minutes and doesn’t hurt when mom steps on the toy barefoot. Hah hah.