Ha. What a post title. So am I blogging or not? Somebody needs to shoot that country juke-box in here.
I just wanted to leave you a little link with one of the best back to school checklists I have seen yet while I keep myself from the blog long enough to get some actual planning done today:
Go to the sidebar and you can print that in a PDF file. I already have it in my lesson plan book!
OK, I’m off to get stuff done.
(Hey, maybe I should put a cowgirl hat on the bee up top? Anyone want to email me a graphic that would look cute on my bee? Too bad I can’t have it come up any time the carnival or August archives come up. Anyone know how to do that?)
Buzz Words: homeschool, checklist, teaching, school, education, printables, homeschooling, parenting, planning, preparations, school year, goals, day planner, forms, teacher, homeschool moms, Christianity