While starting my planning, I ran across a planning link that has nice printables of blank calendars and looks to be a pretty promising addition to my Homeschool sidebar links. Check it out! I printed their September 2006 file and hole-punched it for my planner. Now I have something to pencil on as I continue planning.
Last night I went to a friend’s house to plan out my first unit of the new school year. We ate pizza and mapped out ATTENTIVENESS: Ears/Sound/Music & General Unit in our KONOS Volume 1 curriculum books on paper. Yes, that unit will take me to the middle or end of September depending on when I start school. According to my friend, it seems like we may need to start in August. So, my poor kids may have to give up two weeks of our August “summer vacation” to start KONOS early. I’m sure they won’t mind since the KONOS part of school is really the FUN part anyway. Our first co-op day we are building a model of the inner ear and letting the kids crawl through it! “Sounds like fun” – ha!
Sorry about that embeded country music this week… after I get enough posts in here, I promise it won’t come up any more. It only plays when the Homeschool Carnival loads. So if you can put up with it or scroll down and turn it off this week… I’d be much obliged!
Other Quick Links:
Sprittibee’s KONOS Unit Schedule for 2006-7
KONOS Planning for Dummies
Resolutions for a Homeschool Mom
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills by Grade Level
Homeschool Mom Free Planner Pages & Printables
Donna Young Free Planner Pages & Printables
Buzz Words: homeschool, calendar, teaching, school, education, printables, homeschooling, parenting, planning, preperations, school year, lesson plans, day planner, forms, teacher, homeschool moms, sahm