Kind of like how this little peck and poke keyboard is burning me out half way through this post…
But I digress…
… And abuse elipses. Sorry.
I better take advantage of this sleepy-baby moment to slip in to the conference session late! Talk to you later. Check out my facebook page to see what Homeschool blogger came to see me yesterday: www.facebook.Com/Sprittibee! I need to go get some halfway-mark Homeschool mom encouragement.
Enjoy your "halfway mark" homeschool encouragement! I think you did fine making an iPhone post from the nursing room at the convention. Good for you!
Wish I could check out your fb page, but alas, my dh & I have agreed to stay off of it… at least for a time.
Great job on your iPhone post! I haven't tried it yet…though I have to WordPress app.
Hope you get something from the conference!
Encouraging, encouraging, encouraging you!
(and I like elipses…. ~smile~)
All's grace,