1. Playing trains, 2. Mo’s Anime… She’s got mad skillz., 3. Father to mankind…, 4. New feet, 5. My son’s strange orange bird., 6. Momentary lapse of reason…, 7. Starry eyes …, 8. Being ‘sensitized’ with Hello Kitty and pink. #sissyboy, 9. Aunt Lolly, 10. A boy and his fish., 11. Good Fortune, 12. Busy Kitchen
If you have an iPhone and love Instagram, you can SHOW us all the things that you are “(In)Couraged” by! Just download the free Instagram app on your iPhone and start capturing the things that make your heart happy — and use the hashtag #incourage so we can search them out!
Dayspring and (In)Courage are going to make a huge collage of printed Instagram photos for display at The Relevant Conference. I can’t WAIT to see it!!!
Read more about it here!
I’m (in)couraged to be part of the Dayspring team at The Relevant 2011 Conference in PA!
Disclosure: I wasn’t compensated for this post in any way. However, I won the contest to be Dayspring and (In)Courage’s photographer at Relevant in October.
P.S. This post was my Tuesday night edition of last week’s Camera Phone Friday. I’m always late.
Very cool! I found some apps for the Android that I really like. I don't have an iPhone. o well. 🙂 Have fun!
I need to go out and experiment with Instagram!