Ten years ago, I said I would never have another garage sale. Today, I’m saying it again.
But I mean it this time. R e a l l y.
Last weekend our family and two others decided to brave the 104 degree heat here in Austin and sell our junk out on the driveway. The one big ticket item I had sold in the first hour (and I should have packed up then). However, I did make a bit more than I spent in gas, groceries (the kids had a drink and cookie stand which made nearly nothing), masking tape, permanent markers, rope, breakfast tacos, ice, and other miscellaneous items. Still… it’s no fun melting at 104 degree heat most of the day with a nursing baby stuck to my body… nor is it fun staying up until 3 sorting and pricing in the hot garage – or waking up before the sun comes out to load the truck and take things further in to town to be sold.
Everyone should experience hosting a garage sale once in their lives, though — and my daughter was really excited to sell her cookies and clothes, so I am glad we did it. Not sure I would be saying that if I hadn’t at least broke even, though. It was a nice time to visit with friends between ‘customers’, too – so it wasn’t a total loss.
I’m not running for political office, but I have a great idea to pass on to whomever is in charge of our penal institutions. If everyone ‘shady’ knew they would be manning Texas garage sales all summer while the heat index is over 112 degrees, I doubt we would have much crime in America. Just sayin’.
What is your take on garage sales? Hate ’em? Love ’em? Why do you think that people don’t show up after 12? Or maybe it’s just that most people aren’t as dumb as me – to have them in JUNE in TEXAS? Ya think?!
I hate to think what this July and August might be like. :::shudders:::
The Real Me! says
I love going to garage sales and we've had plenty in our 15 years of marriage, but living in Florida we have them in the Fall or early Spring. But I think we are done having them for awhile. We did a lot of purging when we moved so I think we're good. LOL!
I have to admit that it's even hard to go to them right now because it's so hot. People spend more money when it's cooler. I think it's a scientific fact or something. LOL!
Have a great day.
MarshaMarshaMarsha says
Zoiks. Summer garage sales are tough. When I have a garage sale with my friend, we always have it on Thursday and Friday morning, NEVER after 12noon!
I do love the community garage sales in Kingwood. Since most of the HOA's don't allow them, they have one or two big subdivision wide garage sales every year. Makes it totally worth the drive when you know you have 20-50 garage sales to shop from!
Kat says
I have done one garage sale in my adult life, and I swore then that I wouldn't do it again. And I haven't (yet)! I don't know why I disliked it so, other than feeling like a car salesman or something…didn't matter what price you had on something, everyone always wanted to negotiate, lol. I decided long ago that the stuff that I would be selling in my garage/yard sale, could just as easily be donated. So it goes to Goodwill, Salvation Army or a local thrift store benefiting the community. 🙂
A computer junkie, workbook hating, TV watching, iGadget addicted, eclectic homeschooling, soccer mom of 2 boys
CylestialChola says
I follow you on Twitter, and am now following you here through GFC too. Reading your post about the yard sale brought back MANY memories, since we lived in Texas for six years. Summer has never seemed the same any place else! I would love to have you check out my blog and perhaps follow too. Keep in mind, I'm pretty new to the blogsphere, but it's getting better as it goes! LOL Be well! http://cylestialchola.blogspot.com
Rhonda says
I've done a few garage sales, but never, ever in the summer. Fall and spring only.
I now donate everything and take the tax deduction. It's much more lucrative.
Michelle says
I'm not sure how this New England girl would fare in 110 degree heat, but I enjoy yard sales.
Love your political insight:D Would have to agree!