I looked back to see when the last last Simple Woman’s Daybook was posted and laughed when I discovered it was in 2011 after my 4th baby was born. I was cruising on postpartum fog into the great unknown of “homeschool mom despair” (all brought about because God was purging me of my perfectionism). New babies do that, don’t they?!!
And here I am, starting Kindergarten again in a short few weeks — just when I thought I was nearing the finish line with my homeschool adventure! Kaden will be a junior this year… Morgan a sophomore… Kohen a Kindergarten rockstar… and the little guy will be a preschooler still (and probably just as bent on world-destruction as he was last year).
Not much changing on the sanity front – but I’m praying God will pour a double-helping of strength and wisdom on the teacher. Wisdom to know how to wisely use her time, choose her words, invest in her children and marriage, and strength to give each day her every effort and fight off laziness and apathy of spirit.
I don’t know who is still hosting the Simple Woman’s Daybook, but you are free to steal the idea and graphic from me. Here are the questions below. If you ever enjoyed filling out quizzes in magazines, you’ll enjoy copying them and answering them on your own blog.
The view from where I sit … A messy desk (some things haven’t changed since 2011). On it are 2 laptops (in the middle of a massive music project, ripping 90,000 mp3s into my iLibrary through Media Monkey), the last few stacks of “gross 80’s music” (my daughter hates retro), my “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” Bible Study book, a notebook to scratch things on as I check email, and two tiny Lego creations my five year old brought me for safe keeping (from his three year old brother).
Outside My Window… Suburbia in the strangely mild August warmth in Texas #globalcooling
I am thinking… About all the appointments and doctor visits I’m scheduling this week. My poor Mo hasn’t been 100% with her adrenals and hormones lately. And this is the week for our Periodontal visits – her for gum tissue, me for oral cancer screening follow-up. Mama’s heart is heavy when health isn’t at peak around here.
I am thankful for… The new scalp ringworm protocol for the baby – seems to be working. I’m committed to 11 weeks of this new thing. That puts us ringworm free by October (because you are supposed to treat until long after you see no symptoms). I never thought I would be saying that back in March. I’m not sure if I prayed for patience prior to March, but I’m pretty sure God answered my prayers if that was the case.
We are learning… Perseverance
From the kitchen… dinner dishes from our lazy Sunday dinner – rotisserie (I haven’t bought a store-bought bird in ages, but I was so tired this weekend – don’t judge), roasted cauliflower, and brown rice. Paleo gingerbread is baking, and there’s a bowl of maple syrup and cinnamon icing whipped up and cooling in the freezer until it is baked and cooled. The floor needs perpetual sweeping with six mouthes to feed at our bee hive.
I am wearing… worn out jeans and a short sleeve hoodie (why in the world you need a hood on a short sleeve shirt, I have no idea), bare feet
I am creating… a plan for the school year – one slow, deliberate step at a time.
I am going… to bed early so I can tackle this week with a full charge.
I am reading… more often. I’m also using the Goodreads site and considering uploading my entire home library into it. There’s yet a touch of OCD in me yet (please don’t tell God I need another life-lesson to cure me).
I am hoping… This week is a productive and blessed one… and our health issues melt away into memories.
I am hearing… Little whispering voices, faint 80’s retro playing from MediaMonkey as I rip CDs, big kids playing video games, the endless motion of my washer and dryer (hasn’t stopped for more than 30 minutes here or there since March)…
Around the house… piles of laundry in my room need attention (at least they are clean), projects are getting done (decluttered the school shelves downstairs and swept out the garage yesterday), … there’s a feeling of “back to school”.
One of my favorite things… my newfound ability to whip zombie butt (downloaded Plants Vs. Zombies and it only took me 3 days to beat the game – don’t judge me; if you only knew how little I play video games… the last game I really enjoyed is so old, it won’t even load on my laptop – Mrs. Pacman!)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Continue planning for school – take kids to appointments – cook every meal from scratch – finish ripping the music and put the CD box away (forever) – pay bills – clean off the desk – do paperwork – Bible study – a haircut – time set aside for loving on each kid – date night with the man on Payday
Here’s a picture thought that I am sharing:

Happy few weeks of summer left!
i just stumbled upon your blog from Pinterest. I loved this post! You write like I think!..We must be kindred spirits :0) Thank you for sharing.